Chapter 13

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Aphmau's POV

When the others had left to go on without me I turned to Castor wondering why he needed to talk to me. When I did I was greeted by him looking sternly at me.

"Aphmau, we need to talk.", he said, his voice had the same tone as his expression.

For the first time I actually felt scared by Castor. I've never heard him sound or look so serious. It just felt so out of character for him. Even the chickens seemed to sense the intensity he gave off. Not one of them clucked, chirped, or flapped. All you could hear was the crashing of the waves onto the shore and the usual Travis screaming for his life because of Katelyn.

"Y-yes?", I asked nervously.

"Is Laurance okay?", he asked a hint of worry entering his voice.

"Yeah..., why?", I asked fidgeting with my thumbs.

"I saw him the other day and when I called to him like I usually do he didn't answer, he just didn't seem to recognise me.", Castor told me, "So I'm going to ask again. Is Laurance okay?"

"I... Uhh..., he lost his memory.", I finally sighed out.

I looked up at Castor and he looked hurt, I guess.

"You're lying.", he said simply, looking out towards the ocean.

"What? How am I lying? Listen, even I wish that it weren't true.", I told him a little offended that he didn't believe me.

"That stupid Laurance would never forget me.", Castor said folding his arms.

I hung my head and sighed, "Sorry..."

I then snapped my head back up curious but what he meant. 'Stupid Laurance would never forget me.' I never did actually understand their relationship so to say. I only knew Castor to be Laurance's friend. Afterall, if I hadn't met Laurance I would never have met Castor.

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"Hmm?", he asked looking away from his chickens and back to me.

"When you said that he would never forget you.", I told him.

"I..., I haven't told anyone this, not even Cadenza.", Castor mumbled.

"Please tell me Castor! It might help us get his memory back.", I pleaded.

"It won't, it's just something personal.", he said.

"Please?", I begged.

"Fine..., but never tell Laurance I told you. Okay?", he said and I nodded quickly.

He sat down on the beach shore and I walked over to sit beside him. One of his chickens walked over to him then he began to speak.

Castor's POV: (When he was 8 years old)

I was walking through the forest searching for someone. My favourite chicken at the time, Clawdeen. She had wandered off this morning and I was still searching for her in the forest a few feet from the orphanage. I had really hoped that she had indeed wandered off instead of the less preferable possibility...

"Clawdeen!", I called out over and over as I pushed through the brush.

I eventually came to and old medium sized shack and began calling for my chicken again. I sighed and was about to give up when I heard a cluck come from inside. I turned back around and pushed open the creaky door. When I did I was greeted by Clawdeen herself jumping into my arms.

"Clawdeen! Never run off again! I thought that they got you!", I smiled hugging her.

As I was still hugging her I saw that a figure was in the room with us. I looked up and saw a boy with bright green eyes, light brown hair and looked to be about my height and age. He had on a blue shirt, black pants, and boots. He was originally sitting in the corner of the shack in a stash of hay but I guess he stood up upon seeing me.

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