UWJ|TT15: The Great Prophetic Timetable

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1. What does the vision of Daniel say about the sanctuary at the end of the 2300 days?

"He said to me, unto two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings. Then the sanctuary will be cleansed." Daniel 8:14

2. When does the vision of the 2300 days apply to?

"I heard a man's voice between the banks of the Ulai, which called, and said, 'Gabriel, make this man understand the vision. So he came near where I stood; and when he came, I was frightened, and fell on my face; but he said to me, 'Understand, son of man; for the vision belongs to the time of the end.' ... He said, 'Behold, I will make you know what will be in the latter time of the indignation; for it belongs to the appointed time of the end." Daniel 8:16-19

3. Did Gabriel return to continue the explanation of the vision which was interrupted when Daniel fainted?

"I, Daniel, fainted, and was sick for some days. Then I rose up, and did the king's business. I wondered at the vision, but no one understood it." Daniel 8:27

"Yes, while I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, 'touched me about the time of the evening offering. He instructed me and talked with me, and said, Daniel, 'I have now come to give you wisdom and understanding. At the beginning of your petitions the commandment went out, and I have come to tell you; for you are greatly beloved. Therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision." Daniel 9:21-23.

4. In Bible prophecy, what does one prophetic day represent?

One prophetic day is equal to one literal year.

"After the number of the days in which you spied out the land, even forty days, for every day a year, you will bear your iniquities, even forty years, and you will know my alienation. Numbers 14:34.

"I have appointed forty days, each day for a year, to you. Ezekiel 4:6.

5. What portion of the 2300 days was allotted to the Jews?

"Seventy weeks are decreed on your people and on your holy city, to finish disobedience, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy." Daniel 9:24.

NOTE: The 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9 is a portion of the larger time prophecy of Daniel 8, that is the 2300-day prophecy. "Therefore the seventy weeks commencing with the given [giving] forth of this commandment; the 2300 days of the preceding vision, commence also at the same time, for the visions are one."-Bishop Daniel Wilson, quoted in LeRoy Froom, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3, p. 620.

6. When did this entire prophetic period begin?

"Know therefore and discern that from the going out of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem to the Anointed One, the prince, will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks." Daniel 9:25.

NOTE: The 2300 prophetic days or 2300 literal years, began in 457 B.c., when the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was brought to its completion

7. When did this entire prophetic period begin?

"Know therefore and discern that from the going out of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem to the Anointed One, the prince, will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks." Daniel 9:25.

NOTE: The 2300 prophetic days or 2300 literal years, began in 457 B.c., when the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was brought to its completion by Artaxerxes Longimanus in the seventh year of his reign (Ezra 6:14; 7:7, 8) and extended from the restoration of the literal Jerusalem and the typical temple service after the captivity in ancient Babylon, in the time of the Medes and Persians. See Pfandl, pp. 96, 97.

8. When was Jesus anointed?

"Now when all the people were baptized, Jesus also had been baptized, and was praying. The sky was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily form like a dove on him; and a voice came out of the sky, saying 'You are my beloved Son. In you Iam well pleased?" Luke 3:21, 22.

"Even Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him." Acts 10:38.

NOTE: The word "Messiah" means anointed, and Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit at His baptism in 27 A.D. See Pfandl, p. 101.

9. What was the Messiah to do during the seventieth week?

"He will make a firm covenant with many for one week...."Daniel 9:27

"As they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks for it, and broke it. He gave to the disciples, and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body: He took the cup, gave thanks, and gave to them, saying, All of you drink it, for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the remission of sins." Matthew 26:26-28.

10. When will Jesus end all sacrificial offerings with His death on the cross?

"In the middle of the week he will cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease." Daniel 9:27.

NOTE: Jesus was crucified in 31 A.D. See Pfand, p. 101.

11. What event occurred in the temple when Christ was crucified?

"Behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split." Matthew 27:51.

12. When will the 2300 days end?

The 2300 years would extend from 457 B.c. to 1844 A.D. See Pfandl, pp. 87-90.

13. What does "cleansing of the sanctuary" mean?

It's a form of judgment.

"In the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict your souls, and shall do no kind of work, whether native-born or a stranger who lives as a foreigner among you; for on this day shall atonement be made for you, to cleanse you. You shall be clean from all your sins before Yahweh." Leviticus 16:29, 30.

"However on the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonement. It shall be a holy convocation to you. You shall afflict yourselves and you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh. You shall do no kind of work in that same day, 'for it is a day of atonement, to make atonement for you before Yahweh your God." Leviticus 23:27-29.

14. Prior to the second coming of Jesus, where will the judgment take place?

"I watched until thrones were placed, and one who was ancient of days sat. His clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool. His throne was fiery flames, and its wheels burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came out from before him. Thousands of thousands ministered to him. Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The judgment was set. The books were opened." Daniel 7:9, 10.

NOTE: A pre-Advent judgment is now happening in heaven. See Pfandl, pp. 68-73.

15. How can we confidently face God in this ongoing judgment?

"Therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, seeing that he lives forever to make intercession for them. For such a high priest was fitting for us: holy, guiltless, undefiled, separated from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; who doesn't need, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices daily, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. For he did this once for all, when he offered up himself." Hebrews 7:29-27.

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