UWJ|SYF2: Salvation

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The most important message in the Bible is God's plan of salvation.

Revelation 1:5, 6

"To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

These verses say God loves us and has "washed us from our sins in His own blood." Why has He done this? Not only because "the wages of sin is death" (Rom. 6:23) but also because He desires to be with us (John 17:24), not in a generic sense but in a real, personal sense. Ellen White says, "Our redeemer thirsts for recognition. He hungers for the sympathy and love of those whom He has purchased with His own blood" (The Desire of Ages, p. 191). We often think about how we desire to be with God, but His desire to be with us is even greater! "He knows each individual by name, and cares for each as if there were not another on the earth for whom He gave His beloved Son" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 229). I have seen grown men and women weep when they see this wonderful truth. 22

Every person you meet needs to be saved from something. With God's guidance, you can use many approaches in helping people understand the precious gift of salvation:

a. Health

When someone gets sick, struggles with addiction, or faces death, their deepest desire is for salvation. Interestingly, one of the words for salvation in Greek (sozo) includes the concept of healing. If you can help a person stop or even reverse disease, they will have experienced (in embryo) the plan of salvation.

Often as I talk with someone, I find out if they have physical needs and then minister to them with slides or videos on my laptop that deal with that subject. Addictions, hypertension, diabetes, and depression are all related to the human need for salvation.

b. Bible readings on salvation

For many, the best approach is just to read the salvation story. I often encourage people to read the Gospel of Mark and ask themselves three questions:

• Who did Jesus claim to be?

• What did Jesus do?

• Would you be interested in meeting someone like Jesus? Why? Why not?

I am amazed at the incredible power of simply reading about Christ, especially about His last hours. The story draws people.

Recently I met a man who had never read Scripture or attended church. He had been very successful in the banking industry but lost his position due to the envy of fellow workers. This caused him to begin asking what 23 the purpose of life really was. He asked me, "Why are you a Christian?"

Rather than answering immediately, I suggested that he read the Gospel of Mark and ask those three questions. After several hours of reading and taking notes on the questions, he got back to me, saying, "This guy Jesus was incredible! I wish I could meet someone like Him."

"You can," I said. I explained how someone can accept Jesus (John 1:12), how I had done so myself (testimony), and how He changed my life.

What can you do if people can't read? I loan them a basic Bible story set called My Bible Friends from the Adventist Book Center (available in book and audio form). I have seen God use these simple presentations to bring people to faith. I've also seen God literally help people learn how to read.

c. Music

Another way to introduce the message of salvation is through music. Not long ago I was counseling an atheist who struggled with depression. He appeared completely closed to any discussion of religious themes. However, all of that changed when I had the counseling group sing Christmas carols.

Afterward he said, "I don't know how to say this, but something inside of me changed as we sang those songs. I really do want to believe . . ."

He then opened up about what had led him away from faith. After hearing about the misinformation he'd been given, we were able to direct him to correct information 24 in God's Word. He read the Gospel of Mark and came to faith. He experienced physical, mental, and spiritual healing, but it all started (or re-started) with a Christmas carol!

d. Personal testimony

Never forget to share what Christ has done for you! (See "Tell Your Story" in the first chapter.)

Texts for leading people through the plan of salvation:

1 John 4:8, 9-God loves us and wants to save us to live forever.

Gen. 1:27, 28-God created us in His image to live in relationship with Him.

Gen. 3:8-10-Sin destroyed this fellowship.

Rom. 3:23; 6:23-Everyone has sinned and will die without God's help.

Rom. 5:18, 19-Adam brought death, but the Second Adam (Jesus) brings life.

Gal. 3:13; Heb. 2:8, 9; 2 Cor. 5:21-Jesus bore our curse.

1 John 1:9; Acts 3:19-As we confess and repent, He forgives us.

Rom. 8:1; Eph. 2:8-Receiving Jesus, we are no longer condemned.

John 1:12-When we receive Him, we become sons and daughters of God.

1 John 5:11-13-We receive eternal life.

John 3:16, 17-We have everlasting life and the gift of salvation.

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