UWJ|SYF7: The Spirit of Prophecy

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7The Spirit of Prophecy

Some scholars estimate that 26 percent of the Bible is prophecy. This makes the Bible unique, for we can readily see whether its prophecies have come true. Notice how the concept of prophecy is alluded to in this chapter.

Revelation 1:19 "Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this."

What mankind knows about God has often been revealed 34 through His prophets. This is called "the testimony of Jesus" (Rev. 12:17) or "the spirit of prophecy" (Rev. 19:10). John recognized this truth by pointing to what he had seen (past), did see (present), and what would be seen (future prophecy).

Of course, many religions claim that prophets have led them, and not just in the past. Some churches today claim that their living leaders are "prophets" and even "infallible." In witnessing about the Spirit of Prophecy, we need to do at least two things: a) Show from the Bible that true prophets will exist up to the end of time, and b) Teach that we must discern between true and false prophets, based on the tests provided in the Bible itself.

Basic texts about the Spirit of Prophecy:

Num. 12:6 -God speaks to and through prophets.

Deut. 18:15 -Prophets are to be listened to.

Eph. 4:11-13 -The gift of prophecy was seen in New Testament times.

Rev. 12:17; 19:10 -It is called "the testimony of Jesus" or "the spirit of prophecy."

Joel 2:28 -Prophets will appear in the end times.

Biblical tests of a prophet:

1. In Scripture, genuine prophets received prophetic dreams and visions (Num. 12:6).

2. What a prophet claims to have received from God must be in harmony with the rest of God's Word (Isa. 8:20), because God does not contradict Himself (Mal. 3:6).

3. A true prophet will accept all that the Bible teaches about Jesus (1 John 4:1, 2).

4. The proof of a true prophet lies, in part, in the fulfillment of his/her predictions (Jer. 28:9).

5. A prophet's life will produce good fruit (Matt. 7:20). While counterfeit prophets may pass one or two of these tests, a true prophet will pass them all.

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