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-Loki's POV-


All of my attention immediately goes to her as she storms into the hallway, visible to us all.

What the Hel did he do now? If he hurt her in any way, I'll kill him.

"Y/N!" Jasper calls after her.

Seeing the hurt in her eyes... gods, all I want to do is comfort her, hold her in my arms, soothe her aching heart.

But she'd never let me...

Jasper runs to Y/N, then grabs her wrist, so she spins around.

As soon as I see Jasper grab her wrist, I want to throttle him.

How dare he grab her like that?!

I clench my fists in an attempt to calm down.

"WHAT?!" Y/N shouts.

"I just wanted you to know that I feel for another," Jasper admits quietly but loud enough that my advanced hearing can pick up on.

WHAT THE HEL?! Y/N gave all the love that anyone would be lucky to receive, yet this bumbling buffoon threw it all away?! I don't care that he is or was my best friend. He hurt Y/N...

I clench my fists even tighter, almost to the point of drawing blood from my nails digging into my palms.

I'm far too close to leaping off the chair and punching Jasper.


Y/N yanks her arm away from Jasper and slaps him hard.

"Ouch, that had to have hurt," I mumble.

And that's well deserved. Jasper doesn't seem to care about Y/N in the slightest, and he certainly isn't worthy of her precious time. He doesn't deserve her. She's the best thing to ever happen to that idiot, but he still treats her like she doesn't matter.

I look at Y/N, and as soon as I see her rage, it amplifies my own.

I can tell how hurt she is by Jaspers unfaithfulness - the extraordinary woman who has always treated him with such care.

It's killing me.

"Don't come crawling back to me if she can't love you the way I have!" Y/N yells before storming into the common room.

I catch sight of her eyes and immediately feel my anger intensify even more. The sight of her so upset hurts me.

I can't stand seeing her eyes filled with so much pain.

        Jasper runs off, leaving the tower as Y/N sits on the couch, full of fury.

        "Are you okay, Y/N?" Agent Romanoff inquires as Y/N clenches and unclenches her fists.

        Really, Agent Romanoff?

        "Of course I am, Nat! I just found out that my boyfriend has been cheating on me for three months when we got together four months ago!" Y/N hisses through clenched teeth.

        What a bastard! He didn't even wait to break up with her, cheated on her, and still pretended that she was his one and only!

        The thought of Jasper doing that to her makes my blood boil, but the moment I catch sight of Y/N's eyes again, I instantly calm down.

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