Ending: If Only...

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A/N: I'm so beyond sorry this is so late! I've been so busy, and I've been dealing with some things.

Spoiler: You may need tissues...

        You stare at the wall

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        You stare at the wall. Your eyes remain unfocused as your brain floats around aimlessly on autopilot.

        You feel a weight in your chest.

        Your mind is filled with heartbreaking sadness, soul-crushing pain, gut-wrenching guilt, and agonizing regret.

        If only you could take things back. If only you were able to fix all your mistakes. If only you hadn't sent Loki back when he didn't want to go.

        If only...


        Your brows furrow when you look out over the battlefield, and you only see Thor.

        There's absolutely no sight of Loki.

        When Thor's one blue eye and one brown eye meet yours, he quickly looks away. But not soon enough. You can see remorse gnawing at him even in his fake eye.

        You feel your heart drop in fear.

        He can't be dead... He doesn't die. He never dies.

        You feel the air being pushed from your lungs by dread. Your chest feels like it's being crushed in from anxiety. And your heart feels like it's being pierced with a million regretful needles.

        You run toward Thor, ignoring anyone mentioning the war you're currently fighting in.

        Loki's more important.

        You skid to a stop in front of Thor.

        "What happened? Where's Loki?"

        When Thor doesn't answer, you grip his face and force him to look you in the eyes.

        "Answer me." You command, but it's more like a desperate plea.

        Tears fill Thor's eyes, "I'm sorry..." He whispers.

        Your hand drops to your side as your eyes also well up. Your nose begins stinging as the tears flow down your sweat-covered face.

        He's really gone...

-End Flashback-

        You feel hot salty streams make their way down your face at the memory. Your face stays in an emotionless state as the tears pour from your eyes.

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