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You wake up the next morning with a massive smile on your face.

You're extremely content and a bit sore, might you add.

You're unable to walk properly, so you stay in bed for a while before shakily making your way into your bathroom to brush your teeth and get dressed.

Right as you finish, you hear faint shouting coming from your level.

You rush out of the bathroom and run toward the yelling, finding yourself in the kitchen.

Loki is standing in front of Jasper as they yell at each other while Pietro, Steve, Natalia, Clint, and Tony are watching.

"I'd like to see you phase through this," Loki growls before quickly punching Jasper in the face, sending him stumbling backward.

"Duck," Pietro advises flatly.

"Huh... my words must've gotten caught in my throat for a second," Steve excuses.

"Ooh, you know it's bad when Capsicle, the pure-hearted soldier, isn't being so kind," Tony remarks.

"For real." From Clint.

"True." From Natalia.

They turn to each other, pointing at the other with goofy smiles.

"Why are you turning on our friendship?!" Jasper screeches.

"Because you fucked up. You hurt Y/N." Loki hisses.

"Then immediately after we broke up... you fucked her!" Jasper shouts.

Loki's jaw clenches as his nostrils flare, but before he can do or say anything, Jasper punches Loki across the face.

That's fucking it.

"Hey!" You yell.

The two men turn to look at you, blood dripping from both of their noses with how much force they put into their swings.

Jasper nervously smiles, "Y/N..."

"Hey, fuck you!" You angrily stomp toward him, "You have no fucking right to speak my name. You don't get to even look at me!"

When you slap Jasper across the face, Loki grins proudly.

"Don't look at me!"

You punch Jasper, and he stays looking away, refusing to make eye contact with you.

"You don't deserve- hey, look at me when I'm talking to you!"

        Jasper looks at you, so you punch him again.

"Don't look at me, asshole." You snarl.

"THEN DON'T TELL ME TO LOOK AT YOU!" Jasper screams in your face.

Loki steps in front of you, "Don't raise your voice at Y/N."

You smile gently at the back of Loki's head before stepping in front of him again, "Leave the tower, Hayes."

        Jasper scoffs, "Leave the tower? Like, leave the Avengers?"

        You nod in confirmation, making more shock show on his tanned face. Jaw slacking more and eyes widening further.

        "I'm valuable." He tries to argue.

        "Actually, we have Vision... We no longer require your services." Tony reminds.

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