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-Loki's POV-

I wake up the next morning with a humongous smile on my face.

I got to hold Y/N last night...

But my bliss is short-lived when I hear Jasper's voice.

I can't let Y/N face him alone...

I dash out of my room, heading straight to his voice, ending up in the kitchen.

"What the Hel are you doing here, Jasper?"

Jasper scoffs, "I'm here to make up with Y/N, not that it's any of your business."

"I think it is my business."

        Jasper crosses his arm and raises a brow, "Oh really? How so?"

        I pause to think of the right words.

        "Wait a minute... are you two sleeping together?"

        I roll my eyes, "We're all adults, and besides, she didn't cheat on you like you did her!"

        "Well, she's a fucking slut!"

        Oh no, he didn't.

        "I'd like to see you phase through this," I growl before quickly punching Jasper in the face, sending him stumbling backward as his nose shatters.

        "Duck." The speedster advises flatly.

        "Huh... my words must've gotten caught in my throat for a second." Captain Rogers excuses.

        Oh, this is a first. The captain is not being so uptight.

        "Ooh, you know it's bad when Capsicle, the pure-hearted soldier, isn't being so kind." Stark remarks.

        "For real." From Agent Barton.

        "True." From Agent Romanoff.

        "Why are you turning on our friendship?!" Jasper screeches.

        I feel like rolling my eyes.

        Are you kidding me? I didn't ruin anything.

        "Because you fucked up. You hurt Y/N." I hiss, not even bothering to hide the care I feel for her.

        "Then immediately after we broke up... you fucked her!" Jasper shouts.


        My jaw clenches as my nostrils flare, but before I can do or say anything, Jasper punches me across the face.

        I can tell he broke my nose just like I broke his.

        "Hey!" Y/N yells, making herself known.

        I turn to look at her, and I can't even tell if Jasper looked at her too because all I can focus on is Y/N. I'm even able to ignore the throbbing pain in my nose and the blood dripping down my nose as well.

        "Y/N..." Jasper greets nervously.

        "Hey, fuck you!" Y/N angrily stomps toward him, "You have no fucking right to speak my name. You don't get to even look at me!"

        When Y/N slaps Jasper across the face, I break out into a proud grin.

        "Don't look at me!"

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