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        You follow Melina down to a latter, descending down after her into a dark hallway with tall ceilings as bright lights shine down the narrow hole.

        You then follow her to a wall with a screen and all sorts of buttons.

        You watch as she types away, not fully trusting her to not turn on you all.

        "You know, I was cycled through the widow program four times, yes?" Melina asks while still hacking the system.


        She breathes out a laugh, "I know things you have never known. I have experienced so many things from this place that you never have." She glances at you, "This means I know what I'm doing, and my moves are very much calculated."

        "Are you saying you're in the right and wiser just because you've had a couple more experiences than me?" You question in disbelief.

        Melina shakes her head slightly, still working on the computer, "I am saying everything I do is for a reason, Little Red."

        You clench your jaw, "Don't call me 'Little Red.'" You grit out.

        "Why not? It's your name." Melina turns to you, "Well, now you're 'Red Widow' not 'Little Red,' but it's all the same."

        "You don't even realize how badly that name hurt me, do you?"

        Melina doesn't even bother to look at you as she replies, "And how was that?"

        "It always reminded me that I was frail, weak, a failure in everyone's eyes. 'Little Red' was used against me. It was to make me feel small. You used it, Dreykov used it, all the instructors used it."

        You feel a tear drip from your eye despite trying to keep it from falling.

        "I was trying my hardest, Melina. I really was..." You admit, your voice wobbly and cracking with emotions.

        She looks over at you, her eyes holding a bit of softness, eyebrows slightly drooped at the ends with sympathy.

        "When I was in the Red Room, I looked up to you." Your chin quivers a bit, "I saw how fierce you were, and I thought you'd have some sort of kindness, compassion, any sort of- of empathy... But I was wrong."

        Melina sighs and straightens out her shoulders, "It was never personal, Y/N. Please know that. I didn't want to do what I did, but I had to... It was all for your own good."

        "My own good? My own good?!" You scoff, brushing off her claim that she didn't want to do those things to you, "I was a kid, Melina. A kid."

        Before she can respond, the lights in the room turn red, and an alarm begins to blare.

        Melina turns back to the screen, "Oh, no, no, no."

        You look at it to see in big words, 'LANDING SEQUENCE SUSPENDED.'


        Suddenly, a giant metal wall comes down, blocking the way you came in from, then the one across from it, leaving Melina and you stuck in the small space with no way out.

        Ah, it gets even better! Love this...

        Melina slams her foot down onto a handle-looking thing, breaking it off, then bending down to pick it up.

        "I've had a slight setback." She suddenly says, presumably to Yelena over the earpiece.

        Melina stands back up and begins to pry off the vent screen with the broken-off piece in her hands.

        "You'll need to get to the widows."

        She finally gets the screen off and pulls it away with a grunt.

        She looks at you and motions toward herself, "Follow me."

        She climbs in and begins crawling army style before you get in as well and follow her down the sizeable red-lit space.

        She climbs in and begins crawling army style before you get in as well and follow her down the sizeable red-lit space

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A/N: Sorry, it's kinda short!

I love you all so much, and I hope you're still enjoying the book!❤️❤️❤️

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