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        You join Steve on his left, running alongside Scott with Wanda, Clint, and Pietro running a bit behind you.

        Steve motions to Bucky and Sam, "Come on!"

        The two men join you five as you run toward the Quinjet.

        Suddenly, a very light orangish ray of light beams into the ground in front of you all, cracking the floor, causing you all to halt in your tracks.

        You look up and see Vision floating in the air.

        "Captain Rogers... I know you believe what you're doing is right..."

        Tony lands a bit in front of you eight, setting Natalia down next to him.

        Vision continues, "But for the collective good... you must surrender now."

        Rhodey flies up, dropping King T'Challa to the ground before landing himself, then 'Spider-Man' swings over to land behind him with a slight grunt.

        Vision slowly descends to the ground, and now you're faced with Team Iron Man, consisting of Tony, Rhodey, Natalia, King T'Challa, 'Spider-Man,' and Vision.

        Seems weird that it's six against eight... it doesn't seem like something that would be in a movie or something.

        "What do we do, Cap?" Sam asks.

        "We fight."

        You eight begin walking toward the other six before they too start approaching.

        You all slowly pick up speed, soon breaking into a full-on sprint.

        You see Tony, Rhodey, and Vision go up into the air as you hear Wanda's magic fly her into the sky while Sam expands his wings, going airborne as well.

        You reluctantly go for Natalia.

        Before Pietro can even run, Natalia throws a cuff on him, rendering his powers useless before 'Spider-Man' webs him onto a plane.

        You shake your head at Natalia, "That's low."

        "And eight against six is unfair."

        She throws a punch at you, which you dodge.

        When Scott comes up behind her, she throws an electric disk at you, allowing her to focus on Scott.

        You're quickly grabbed by a web and stuck to the plane next to Pietro.

        "Hey..." You greet.

        "Hello, princessa."

        You sigh, "You know, it's almost as if we're not supposed to be here."

        "What do you mean?"

        "Like, it looks perfect, cinematic even without us in the picture."

        Pietro looks at the fight, "Huh..."

        "You know what's funny?"

        Pietro turns to you, "What?"

        "Less than a month ago, this was all picture-perfect. We were all a solid team."

        "Even being intimate."

        You laugh and roll your eyes, "Yeah..."

        Suddenly, you're dropped from the plane when Clint's arrow pierces the webbing.

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