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        You did not make it.

        The helicopter powers down before slamming into the ground.

        Natalia opens the door with a sigh.

        She exits, followed by Yelena, Alexei, you, then Loki.

        You look around at your surroundings, consisting of flower groups with long, purple-pink flowers growing close together; dark brown grass; small green trees varying in size; and random patches of actually alive appearing grass.

        "You should've brought the Avengers' superjet." Alexei comments.

        Natalia gets up from her squatting position.

        What, why, and when?

        She walks alongside Yelena toward where you and Loki stand.

        "I swear if I hear one more word from him, I will kick him in the face," Yelena admits.

        "He's the worst," Natalia adds quietly.

        You begin walking next to them with Loki.


        The two continue walking, ignoring Alexei.

        He begins lazily running toward them, "Natasha. Natasha. Come here. I want to ask you something."

        Natalia and Yelena slow a bit, so you do the same.

        "Come, it's important."

        You look over as Yelena continues walking, whereas Natalia stops and turns to look at Alexei.

        You stop as well, waiting for your best friend awkwardly while you can still feel Loki's presence behind you.


        Alexei and Natalia walk at a leisurely pace beside each other as you hear the creaking of the helicopter.

        "Did he talk to you about me?"

        Natalia looks over at Alexei, just as confused as you, "What?"

        "Did he talk to you about me?" Alexei repeats, "You know, trading war stories?"

        "Who? What are you talking about?"

        "Captain America. My great adversary in this theater of geopolitical conflict. Not so much a nemesis. More like a contemporary, you know? Coequal. I always thought there was a great deal of mutual respect-"

        Natalia stops, "Wait. You haven't seen either one of us in twenty years, and you're gonna ask me about you?"

        By now, everyone has stopped walking.

        "What is with this tension?" Alexei inquires, walking off of the path and onto the grass before halting again, "Did I do something wrong?"

        Yelena grins, with no happiness or humor behind it as she rubs her forehead before taking it away with furrowed brows and no smile, "Is that a serious question?"

        After a moment of staring at her, Alexei answers, "I only ever loved you girls... I did my best to make sure you would succeed to achieve your fullest potential, and everything worked out."

        "Everything worked out?" Natalia repeats in disbelief.

        "Yes." Alexei motions at Natalia, "For you, yes."

        He looks at Yelena again, waving his hands up, out, and down, "We accomplished our mission in Ohio."

        Alexei walks toward Yelena, "Yelena, you went on to become the greatest child assassin the world has ever known." He bends a little to be eye level with her, "No one can match your efficiency, your ruthlessness."

        Alexei turns back to Natalia, "And Natasha, not just a spy, not just toppling regimes, destroying empires from within... but an Avenger. You both have killed.." He takes Yelena's wrist, then Natalia's as he completes his sentence, "So many people." He shakes their wrists as he adds, "Your ledgers must be dripping, just gushing red."

        Alexei pulls them into his sides for a hug, "I couldn't be more proud of you."

        You shift uncomfortably.

        Your ledger is also gushing red. You've killed countless people, and it haunts you.

        Natalia yanks herself away from Alexei, glancing at him before scoffing as she walks off.

        He watches her before kissing Yelena's head and patting her bicep as she's still stuck against his chest.

        "Okay. You can... No." Yelena pushes against Alexei's chest to remove herself from his grasp, "Let go of me now. You smell really bad."

        Yelena also walks away, but you catch her wrist, giving her a small smile before taking her hand in yours.

        "I'm proud of you for doing the right thing and changing, маленькая сестренка." You whisper. ("Little sister")

        A grin spreads across Yelena's face, "Thank you, большая сестра." ("Big sister")

        You nod and begin to walk with her on your left and Loki on your right.

        You nod and begin to walk with her on your left and Loki on your right

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        "So, are we there yet?" Yelena asks.

        You chuckle a bit.

        You're still in the middle of nowhere, heading down a path that is just strips of rocks with no grass.

        "You'll know when we're there," Alexei assures before snorting like a pig.

        "You'll know when we're there," Alexei assures before snorting like a pig

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A/N: Hey! I'm back! (I believe)

I was lacking motivation, regressing back into my former state of depression, and in general, just feeling like shit.

I'm still struggling, but I'm trying.

Sorry it was short!

I love you all 3000!❤️❤️❤️

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