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-Loki's POV-

        The five of us approach a wire fence topped with barbed coils like the spiky cherry on top.

        I see a woman with dark hair in a braided crown, wearing dark farmer-like clothes through the fence.

        Her eyes switch from Alexei, to the blonde, to Agent Romanoff.

        "Honey... we're home."

        Once the woman walks through the gate, Y/N runs at her, grabbing the nape of her neck while Y/N holds the shimmering dagger to the woman's throat.

        "Ты маленький ебарь!" You yell "Ты сделал это со мной!" ("You little fucker") ("You did this to me")

        What did she do to Y/N?

        It breaks my heart to hear the small, vulnerable cracks in her voice between the bursts of anger.

        I can detect the pain that this woman's presence is causing Y/N.

        I step forward, wrapping my arms around her waist. I carefully pull her away from the woman while taking the knife from Y/N's hand.

        "It's okay, love," I whisper in her ear as tears begin to stream down her face.

        It's a heart-shattering sight.

        The blonde comes up to Y/N, pushing her hair out of her face, "Все нормально, большая сестра." The blonde assures. ("It's okay, big sister")

        My eyebrows twist and pinch together in sympathy as Y/N's lip quivers, but she still gives a tiny nod.

        The blonde squeezes Y/N's hand before regretfully following Alexei and the dark-haired woman.

        Agent Romanoff comes up to Y/N and gives her a small smile.

        "I'm so sorry, моя любовь." Agent Romanoff looks over Y/N's shoulder at me, "I trust you to take good care of her." ("My love")

        I nod.

        I plan to take good care of her for as long as she allows me to.

        Agent Romanoff returns the nod, then walks off after the three.

        I turn Y/N in my arms to carry her bridal style in the same direction the others went in.

        Once we've reached the house, I set her down on the porch and sit beside her.

        After Y/N's calmed down, she looks at the door then back at me.

        "I should probably let them have their family time..." Y/N shrugs, "Keep me company?"

        I can't contain the grin that spreads across my face, "Of course, darling."

        My heart speeds up, butterflies flutter around in my stomach, and my brain goes haywire at the blush that coats her cheeks.

        After we both enjoy the air and Y/N's calmed down a bit more, I feel the curious question pop into my head, screaming and nagging at me.

        "So... Did you ever want kids?"

        Okay... Why did I ask that?

        Y/N takes a deep breath and lets out an awkward chuckle.

        "Oh, I'm sorry. I apologize if I'm overstepping."

        And I am.

        Y/N shakes her head, "No, no... It's okay."

        That's a relief...

        She exhales sharply, "No... I never wanted kids. Starting a family isn't for me, but I wish I could choose..." She looks over at me.

        I now realize I'm staring at her intently, providing my full attention to every word.

        "You know?" She asks.

        I nod, "Yes."

        Oh boy...

        "Well, I mean, not yes yes, but I know what you're saying. I'm sorry for everything you've been through."

        Y/N smiles back at me and leans over to bump her shoulder against mine, "Thanks, darling."

        I let out a chuckle, "You seem to enjoy that nickname."

        Y/N nods.

        Her h/l h/c hair moves with her, shifting in the breeze along with her head movement; gorgeous, shining e/c eyes shimmering in the sun, holding secrets beneath the surface I wish to uncover; soft lips looking far too enticing.

        When she looks back at me, my eyes lock in on hers, staring into them with intensity.

        Her lips slowly spread into another grin, a soft sigh escaping her.

        "Your eyes are breathtaking," I whisper.

        Her cheeks flush a bit again, a tiny giggle seeping between her teeth.

        Her being here with me is unreal.

        As if I need to make sure, my hand comes up to cup her cheek, feeling her soft skin beneath my palm.

        Before I know what I'm doing, my lips are pressed against hers in a loving kiss.

        As I'm starting to get worried, Y/N kisses back, lips dancing with mine perfectly. They move together like they're made for each other. They show every ounce of our feelings, allowing us to express everything we've needed to.

        Y/N pulls back abruptly, eyes shifting between mine with uncertainty.

        "You don't care about my past? That I can't have kids?"

        I chuckle.

        Another blush dusts her cheeks, and she tenses up, "Sorry. I-"

        I gently kiss her reassuringly - or at least I hope - before pulling back, green eyes locked on her e/c irises.

        "I don't care about that. I want to help you and be there for you." My hand runs from her cheek toward her head, fingers raking through her h/l h/c hair, "I'm so lucky to have you."

        Her breath hitches before she speaks, "I'm lucky to have you."

        My thumb brushes her bottom lip, pulling it down before allowing it to snap back into place.

        "Not luckier than me."

        Y/N rolls her eyes and runs her hands through my hair, "False."


        I pull her onto my lap, gently playing with her hair as we watch the light breeze blow nature around.

        I can't believe that I can be Y/N's and she can be mine.

        My heart is filled with happiness, pumping faster than usual, stomach flipping like it's in the dryer - yes, I know what a dryer is.

        I can't even begin to understand how lucky I am.

        Y/N's all the happiness I need.

        My past doesn't matter. All I can think about is having her now and possibly in the future.

        She's the lighthouse to this lost sailor that's searching for hope.

        Searching for Y/N.

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