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        The blonde comes up beside you and puts a hand on your shoulder, but you shrug it off.

        She sighs, "Don't worry. The man in there is verified. Nobody can hurt Barnes."

        You give a pained laugh, remembering times when you were 'reassured' he wouldn't be hurt, but he was.

        "I'm an assassin. Red Room. The works... I can get into government places as if I'm supposed to be there."

        The woman raises an eyebrow.

        Steve steps forward and places a calming hand on your shoulder, putting his other one out to stop her, "Don't, Sharon. It's okay."

        "How do we know?" You ask.

        Sharon furrows her eyebrows, "Know what?"

        "Know he isn't a bad guy."

        She nods, "All I can do is reassure you that he's okay."

        You sigh and run your hands through your hair, causing you to push away Steve's hand in the process.

        "God, I can't fucking do this..." You shake your head, "I can't do this... What if they hurt Buck? What if he's not safe? Steve, you have to be suspicious of that man too."

        Steve pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you in a warm, safe hug.

        "I have my doubts... but we can't do anything unless he does something... But it's gonna be okay, Y/N." He murmurs in your hair before kissing the top of your head.

        You nod and pull away, turning your attention back to the screen in time to hear the man continue.

        "Tell me, Bucky. You've seen a great deal, haven't you?"

        You narrow your eyes and squeeze your fists closed.

        "I don't wanna talk about it."

        "You fear that if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop."

        You clench your jaw.

        The man looks at a screen sitting on the desk as he speaks again, "Don't worry..." He presses a couple of buttons before looking at Bucky again, "We only have to talk about one."

        You straighten up and furrow your brows, wondering what he's going to say.

        Suddenly, the power goes out, and red lights start flashing... and the camera goes out.

        You look around at Steve, Sam, and Sharon.

        "Sub-level five, East Wing," Sharon informs.

        You, Steve, and Sam instantly run out of the now unlocked room.

        You, Steve, and Sam instantly run out of the now unlocked room

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