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-Loki's POV-

        I'm reading in my room when I hear Agent Romanoff call for me both mentally and physically.

        Due to my advanced hearing, I'm able to hear her in the gym. In addition, I am aware of her mentally calling to me since the team has learned how to summon me during missions.

        Hearing the urgency in her voice, I teleport to her and... Y/N?

        I turn, and once my eyes meet her worried, haunted, e/c eyes, I feel my face contort to the sympathy I can't keep back.

        Without looking away from Y/N's eyes, I question Agent Romanoff, "What happened?"

        "It doesn't matter. I have to go meet with Fury, so I need you to train with Y/N." She explains.

        Y/N sadly breaks eye contact with me at these words, looking over at the agent, "Take me with you?"

        Is my company really that bad?

        Agent Romanoff cups Y/N's face, pushing stray strands away as she smooths her hair back.

        "I can't, дорогая. You're going to stay here and train with Loki." She leans in to whisper the next part, which I'm able to hear with my - literally - god-like hearing, "No Красная комната exercises, okay?" ("Sweetheart")("Red Room")

        Red Room? What exercises would those be?

        Agent Romanoff pulls back with a slightly stern face.

        "Okay, моя любовь," Y/N mutters. ("My love")

        Maybe it's just a term of endearment that means nothing... right?

        I notice Agent Romanoff's eyes softening, and a grin spreads across her face.

        It could still be a platonic endearment...

        "Я люблю вас." She whispers. ("I love you")

        I remember that night.

        Agent Romanoff had told Y/N she loved her... and Y/N said it back.

        Y/N's mouth tugs upward, "Я тоже тебя люблю." ("I love you too")

        And I doubt it's a platonic love...

        Agent Romanoff gives Y/N a chaste kiss and squeezes her hand.

        This seems like confirmation. Who does these things with someone other than their partner?

        Agent Romanoff turns to me, "Take care of her for me, yeah?"


        I nod, then she leaves the training room.

        I stare at Y/N as she watches Agent Romanoff leaves, almost entranced.

        Eventually, it hurts too much, so I snap her out of it, "What would you like to start with?"

        She turns to me, "Oh, yeah... sorry about that..."

        I give a tight-lipped smile, only feeling pain but trying to suppress it.

        "It's no problem, Y/N."

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