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-Loki's POV-

Sakaar is... interesting. But I don't have Y/N.

Life is dull without her smiling lighting it up. Nobody compares to her beauty. No colour of e/c can compete with her almost magical e/c eyes. The gorgeous swirling of hues, twisting around each other, practically competing to be the most seen; the patterns spiralling around, curving into perfection; the shadows, lines, and highlights bursting from her pupil.

I need to see her.

I use my magic to appear next to her in a green mist, finding myself on a couch as her eyes immediately go to me.

"Hello, darling." I greet.

I see a bit of a tint come to her cheeks.

It's just me imagining things, right?

"Hey yourself."

As a loud noise rings out, I look over at it to see Agent Romanoff fighting a blonde woman. They slam each other into various surfaces, breaking dishes against each other as they completely destroy the kitchen.

"Well... What have we here?" I inquire.

Y/N turns back to me, her h/l h/c hair moving with her.

"Family feud." She shrugs, "No big deal. They can handle it."

I can't help my eyebrows from shooting up.

"Don't worry." Y/N places her hand on my thigh, causing a magically hideable blush to tint my cheeks, "This is just a greeting." She continues as if the touch meant nothing to her.

Glass shatters as Agent Romanoff is thrown into the door, landing just inside the room Y/N and I are in.

I make an ottoman appear in front of me. Y/N and I both put our feet up as my arm unconsciously drapes on the couch behind Y/N.

This feels right.

I watch the two - who I assume are sisters - wrestle each other, but I'm focused on Y/N out of the corner of my eye. I notice her smiling, making blush dust my cheeks, but a simple spell rids my face of the evidence.

Could she be interested in me? No... Y/N is with Agent Romanoff and Sergeant Barnes...

I finally turn her way. When I do, she turns away with a bit of a blush and focuses on the sisters writhing on the floor as they strangle each other with a curtain.

I look over as Agent Romanoff holds her hand out, "Перемирие." ("Truce")

The two sisters let go simultaneously, gasping for air - specifically the blonde woman - as they untangle themselves from the long cream fabric.

"Ты вырос." Agent Romanoff comments. ("You've grown up")

The blonde looks over at Agent Romanoff for a second before pulling the curtain from around her neck when she answers, "Нет дерьма." ("No shit")

The blonde gets up, heading to the kitchen as the assassin follows.

"You had to come to Budapest, didn't you?"

"I came here because I thought you wouldn't." The blonde informs.

I remember that I have to be at a dinner with the Grandmaster.

I internally groan.

I don't want to leave Y/N's side ever again. I want to be with her at all times. I want to hold her, love her, worship her, adore her, praise her... all of it.

"You know, I should go." I force myself to say.

Y/N turns to me, "Oh..."

Is that disappointment?... No... That's just me imagining things... right? I don't want to be wrong. I'm terrified of being wrong, of losing her forever. I'm afraid of telling her how I feel if she doesn't feel the same. I'm honestly scared of what Agent Romanoff would do to me... It wouldn't be pretty... I just don't want to hurt Y/N. I could never forgive myself if I did.

I hesitate, but somehow, I find enough courage to kiss Y/N on the cheek before disappearing into a green mist, reappearing back in my room on Sakaar.

Ooh... I forgot to tell her about Thor... He's resilient. He's okay... right?

I flop down on my bed and bury my face in my hands.

Why am I so uncertain about everything? I'm always so sure about myself at every corner, but Y/N makes my brain go haywire. She makes all of my senses focus on her and only her.

A/N: Sorry it's so short, but the next chapter should be longer

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A/N: Sorry it's so short, but the next chapter should be longer.

I love you all so much, and I hope you have a good day or night, depending on where in the world you are and when you read this.

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