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        Melina waits for the guard to pass right before kicking the vent open, getting out, and kicking their gun from their hands.

        You crawl from the vents just as Melina has knocked the guard out and picked up their gun.

        You stand and look around, finding the two of you to be in a large, tall, open room with bridges over one of the ginormous turbofans. Red lights are scattered everywhere, being the only light source besides the large slivers of sunlight from between the massive blades.

        "У нее есть пистолет!" A guard shouts from the edge of the bridge. ("She's got a gun")

        You and Melina look around at the countless guards closing in on the two of you.

        "Melina!" One of them yells.

        She walks toward the center of the bridge across, right at the middle of the turbofan.

        You reluctantly follow her out to the center, unsure of what her plan is but figuring that it could be the best way out.

        You have to admit, Melina's always been brilliant and a good strategist.

        "Melina, останавливаться на достигнутом!" ("Stop there")

        Melina continues to walk toward the center as they get closer on each side.

        Guess I have to rely on Melina much more than I'm comfortable with right now...

        She looks out over the side of the bridge at one of the turbofans as she continues to walk confidently while you follow behind.

        "Упасть на землю!" ("Drop to the ground")

        Melina raises her hands - her right hand still holding the gun pointed upward - causing you to furrow your brows as she looks like she's going to surrender.

        She would never.

        "Precisely what I was thinking." Melina states.

        You smirk.

        She's gonna do something insane, isn't she?

        She turns around toward you and the others, then shoots the gun in the air.

        It's not actually carrying bullets. No. It's carrying missile-like ammo.

        It shoots up into the ceiling, exploding the necessary things to stay in the sky.

        Сумасшедшая сука... ("Crazy bitch")

        Pieces begin falling down, slamming into the turbofan, destroying the engine, and breaking the whole damn thing. The bridge shakes, and the guards scream as they fall off into the engine, getting shredded up by the blades.

        At the same time, you and Melina shoot your grappling hook-like gadgets into the ceiling and reel upward, saving you both from the bridge just as it blows up.

        "Great minds think alike." Melina compliments as you two jump onto the higher bridges where it's safe.

        You glance at her and give a tight-lipped smile and a slight tip of the head at the praise.

        "Yelena, slight change of plan," Melina informs over the earpiece as you two walk, "I completely demolished one of the engines, and we are going into a controlled crash."

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