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You five approach a wire fence topped with barbed coils like the spiky cherry on top.

You can see a woman with dark hair in a braided crown, wearing dark farmer-like clothes through the fence.

Her eyes switch from Alexei, to Yelena, to Natalia.

"Honey... we're home."


You clench your jaw, tears pooling in your eyes.

When you came out of the ice as a little girl, a scientist named Melina Vostokoff had developed a mechanism they used to begin brainwashing you via Red Room orders.

Soon you were a blank slate, and they placed you back into the Black Widow Program. But not before you fought with Melina.

Apparently, they wanted to see how fragile you were.

She won every time, and for that, you were beaten.

Once she walks through the gate, you run at Melina, grabbing the nape of her neck while you hold your shimmering dagger to her throat.

"Ты маленький ебарь!" You yell "Ты сделал это со мной!" ("You little fucker") ("You did this to me")

You feel strong, safe, and familiar arms carefully pull you back while he takes the knife from your hands.

"It's okay, love," Loki whispers in your ear as tears stream down your face.

You want to fight against his embrace, but you can't. You let him calm you down.

Yelena comes up to you, pushing your hair out of your face, "Все нормально, большая сестра." She assures. ("It's okay, big sister")

Your lip quivers, but you give a tiny nod.

Yelena squeezes your hand before regretfully following Alexei and Melina.

Natalia comes up to you and gives you a small smile.

"I'm so sorry, моя любовь." Natalia looks over your shoulder at Loki, "I trust you to take good care of her." ("My love")

After you feel him nod, Natalia returns it, then walks off after the three.

Loki turns you in his arms to carry you bridal style in the same direction the others went in.

Once you've reached the house, Loki sets you down on the porch and sits beside you.

After you've calmed down, you look at the door then back at Loki.

"I should probably let them have their family time..." You shrug, "Keep me company?"

A grin spreads across his face, "Of course, darling."

You blush, the term of endearment causing a warm feeling inside.

After enjoying the fresh air, Loki talks again, "So... Did you ever want kids?"

You take a deep breath and let out an awkward chuckle.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I apologize if I'm overstepping."

You shake your head, "No, no... It's okay." You exhale sharply, "No... I never wanted kids. Starting a family isn't for me, but I wish I could choose..." You look over at Loki, who's staring at you intently, "You know?"

He nods, "Yes. Well, I mean, not yes yes, but I know what you're saying. I'm sorry for everything you've been through."

You smile back and lean over to bump your shoulder against his, "Thanks, darling."

Loki lets out a chuckle, "You seem to enjoy that nickname."

You nod.

When you look over at him again, his eyes are locked on yours, staring deeply into them. His emerald green irises are swimming with sincerity and care that mix around together.

Your lips slowly spread into another grin, a soft sigh escaping you.

"Your eyes are breathtaking," Loki whispers.

Your cheeks flush a bit, a tiny giggle seeping between your teeth.

Loki's hand comes up to cup your cheek, soft skin against yours.

Suddenly, his lips are against yours in a loving kiss.

After the initial shock, you kiss back, lips moving with his soft ones in harmony. They dance together perfectly, showing all the emotions you've both needed to admit to but have both been too cowardly to express.

You pull back abruptly, eyes shifting between his in uncertainty.

"You don't care about my past? That I can't have kids?"

Loki chuckles.

You blush and tense up, "Sorry. I-"

His lips gently press against yours reassuringly again before he pulls back, lime irises locked in on your e/c eyes.

"I don't care about that. I want to help you and be there for you." Loki's hand runs from your cheek toward your head, slender fingers raking through your h/l h/c hair, "I'm so lucky to have you."

Your breath hitches at his honest words, eyes showing the genuine care he holds for you.

"I'm lucky to have you."

        Loki's thumb brushes your bottom lip, pulling it down before allowing it to snap back into place.

        "Not luckier than me."

        You roll your eyes and run your hand through his medium-length black hair, "False."


        Loki pulls you onto his lap, gently playing with your hair as you two watch the light breeze blow nature around.

        Trees bend from the slight pressure the air gives; flower petals cling tightly to their secure home, desperately holding on to stay snugly between their fellow petals; grass shimmers as it's twisted around, allowing light to reflect at different angles to where it gets moved.

        Happiness fills your heart, your overcrowded brain not worrying about your past or future.

        All you're focused on is being with Loki in the present.

A/N: I hope after all of this wait for this moment it was worth it😅

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A/N: I hope after all of this wait for this moment it was worth it😅

I added the Melina shit for fun. Sorry if it's weird or random or something. Idk. I wanted to try something and if you think it should be removed let me know!

Love you all so so so much!!!❤️❤️❤️

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