Ending: What a Future

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A/N: Like I said in the previous ending, I'm so sorry. I'm dealing with things, and they're very overwhelming.

I love you all and, again, I apologize.

Btw, this is gonna be super long!

Btw, this is gonna be super long!

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-A Few Days Later-

        You raise your eyebrow suspiciously.

        "Think we can trust him?" Natalia asks.

        You nervously bite your lip in thought before slowly nodding.

        "I think so." You shrug, "I've always been close to him..."

        Natalia smirks, "Yeah. You have."

        You tilt your head and put your hands on your hips, eyes narrowing in an unamused expression.

        "Am I lying?"

        You scoff and look back down at the letter.

You may be wondering why I sent a letter. The reason is that I don't want you two to think I'm tracking you or planting some device. If you're still wary, you can burn this letter and the envelope.

Now, if you're wondering, no, I have not told anyone where you are. I understand both of your positions.

I've heard that you two took down what we thought was gone years ago. For that, we're all grateful.

I hope you realize no matter what, we'll always be close. The way I know how to prove that to you and make sure you know I mean what I say is to not tell anyone where you two are.

I'm also hoping you'll come back, and I'll make sure both of you get a full pardon.

Sincerely, Tony.

        "How did he even find out where we were?" You inquire as you look back up at Natalia.

        She shrugs, "It's Tony."

        "So..." You glance back down at the creased paper, eyes raking over the incredible penmanship.

        Probably Pepper's. Glad they got back together. They're adorable.

        "Do we trust him and go back?" You ask.

        "I think so."

        You meet Natalia's green eyes and nod with a faint smile.

        You meet Natalia's green eyes and nod with a faint smile

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