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You're reading in the common room when you hear footsteps.

Believing it's Loki, a smile spreads across your face, but it quickly vanishes when you see who it is.


He smirks when he sees your shocked face, but your face contorts even further when a woman steps out from behind him.

After a moment, you clench your jaw, "What the hell are you doing here? And who the hell let you in?"

Jasper motions to his body, "I have some things to get, and I can phase through things."

"Then how did she get in?" You ask, pointing to the woman.

"Oh, yeah. Y/N, this is Callee."

You grit your teeth, "So this is Callee."

Jasper nods, "Yes."

You turn to look at Callee, "Just know, he's a cheating piece of shit."

Callee laughs awkwardly, taking Jasper's hand in hers before whispering in his ear.

After a moment, Jasper responds, "Of course she's joking."

You roll your eyes and shake your head, "Just grab the shit that you didn't actually leave behind, and get the fuck out."

"Why would I come here if I didn't leave things behind?"

"To rub it in that you cheated on me with Callee."

Before Callee can respond, Jasper speaks, "False. Now, can I get my stuff?"

You roll your eyes, "Whatever, just make it quick... you're so good at that anyway."

Jasper glares at you before dragging Callee to his room.

        Jasper glares at you before dragging Callee to his room

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Jasper comes back with one fucking item... and it's not even his.

You look up from your book, "You've got to be kidding me."

"Whatever do you mean?"

You shake your head with a dry laugh, "How the hell did you become like this?"

"I have no clue what you mean."

You stand up, clench your jaw, and narrow your eyes, "How did you become such a bastard?"

"I'd like to know too," Loki says from behind you.

You spin around as Loki boosts himself off of the doorway and walks over to you.

"I haven't changed at all."

You turn around to face Jasper again, "So you've always been an asshole?"

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