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      A/N: Here's a bit of fun and some things that tie into future chapters before shit goes down.

      A/N: Here's a bit of fun and some things that tie into future chapters before shit goes down

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        You sit alone in your room, sad until Natalia gets back.

        She can help.

        When she returns, you run into the common room and jump into her arms.

        "You're back!"

        Natalia chuckles and squeezes you tightly.

        "Yes, моя любовь, I'm back." ("My love")

        "I missed you!"

        Natalia laughs again, "I missed you too."

        She sets you down, then pulls you to the side.

        "So... I'm going on a mission with Steve, Wanda, and Sam. I need you to stay here and look after Bucky and Loki, okay?"

        You nod, a bit sad that you're not going with her.

        "And Wanda is a bit stressed as this is her first mission, so would you be willing to help me help her out?"

You smirk, "Why, yes. I would be more than willing."

Natalia returns the look, then takes your hand and leads you over to Wanda.

"She said yes."

Wanda breaks out into a grin.

"Planned?" You ask in amusement.

Wanda flushes and giggles a bit.

"Maybe." She admits sheepishly.

You grab her hand and bring her close to you, "No worries. Just have fun."

Wanda nods, so you bring her to your room, laying her down on the bed.

You crawl up the bed, kissing up her arm and neck along the way.

"You positive about this?" You ask.

Wanda nods, "Yes. I need this."

You smile, then lean down and gently kiss the side of her neck. You kiss all the way over her throat to the other side of her neck.

You slowly lift the hem of her shirt, causing her to suck in a breath.

You lift your head, "Are you okay?"

Wanda smiles gently, "I'm beyond okay."

You return the grin, then nudge your nose against hers.


You take her shirt off completely, and Natalia begins kissing over her cleavage.

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