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You, Natalia, and Yelena walk out of the sea of big trees into the clearing where Mason and a helicopter are.

"I said we needed a jet." Natalia reminds.

Mason descends down the steps, "Yeah, you know what you didn't give me? Time... Or money. I'm not made of jets."

"Well, it would be weird if you were." You remark, earning a chuckle from Yelena, "Terrible joke..." You mumble.

"I thought you were supposed to be the best. Like a real pro." Yelena taunts.

"Oh, I beg your pardon, tsarina. Was the free flat and lifetime supply of kissel not to your liking?"

"Ha!" Yelena laughs once sarcastically as you three arrive right in front of the helicopter.

"Don't let her wind you up." Natalia jumps in, inspecting your new white mode of transportation, decorated with red and blue stripes along the sides.

"No, I take exception to impugning my professionalism."

"Well, you did set me up with a generator that crapped out after six hours." Natalia comments, continuing to look over the helicopter.

Mason scoffs, "You too, huh? Tag team."

Yelena starts walking over to the front as she talks, "Aw, he's sensitive. See why you keep him around."

Mason turns to you, "At least you're on my side, right?"

You chuckle and nod, "Yes. I was taught by a wise man to be grateful... Guess the lesson didn't get into Natalia's thick skull."

"Ah, what wise man?" Mason inquires.

"The good ol' Captain America... Dealt with that shit for forever."

"I'm grateful... that he's not bugging us anymore." Natalia jokes, making you roll your eyes.

Natalia makes her way over to you and Mason with a sigh, "Where's the rest?"

Mason goes to the door on the helicopter and pulls out a bag, throwing it on the ground just as Yelena joins you three again.

He unzips the bag, "Voilà."

Yelena bends over, looking into the bag, "Ooh."

She ends up pulling out a granola bar.

Natalia begins to walk away before turning a bit and pointing, "Oh, I stashed that like five years ago."

Yelena unwraps it and takes a bite anyway.

"How is it?" You ask with a chuckle.

Yelena chews with her mouth open, clearly not enjoying the way it's tasting or feeling.

"It's dry." She starts walking toward the helicopter doors, "It's really dry."

You laugh as you watch her get into the plane with a grunt, quickly getting in behind her.

You and Yelena sit down, ignoring Natalia and Mason's conversation.

"So... How are things with this mystery lover?" Yelena questions with a smirk.

You groan, putting your flushed face in your hands.

"God! Stop..." You half whine.

"C'mon! You should tell me. I want to know. After all... I'm your маленькая сестренка~" ("Little sister")

You lift your head, giggling at her pleading eyes.

"Okay, okay..." You give in with a sigh.

Yelena pumps her fist in the air, "Yes! Let's go!"

You laugh at her and pull her closer, hanging an arm over her shoulder while playing with her hair.

"He's an Avenger... He's so beyond kind, considerate, lovely... I just melt when I look at him."

"Well, I would hope not! You would look really weird as a half-used candlestick." Yelena remarks, humor clear in her voice.

You lightly smack her shoulder, "Ha-ha. Now, do you want to hear more about him or not?"

"Yes. Yes, I would."

You sigh, staring at the wall as you continue, "He's protective of me, but he knows I'm independent, and it's not a weird protective... He's funny, and witty, and has layers. He's just absolutely amazing."

"And hot," Yelena adds.

You laugh, cheeks beginning to burn a bit.

"Yes, and hot."

"Sounds like you're in love~" Yelena teases.

You scoff, trying to stay composed, "No, I most definitely am not."

"Sure... Now, how did you meet prince charming?"

"Umm... Well, I dated his best friend before he cheated on me... Then I slept with 'prince charming' and some others on the team..."

Yelena nods, "Good girl."

You laugh along with Yelena as you continue to play with her hair.

"You should go get him, you know, after we take care of business and all."

You nod, "Yeah... I just hope he likes me too, you know?"

"Who wouldn't?" Yelena holds out her hand to count on her fingers, "You're a badass Widow, you're an Avenger, you're hot, you're caring, and you're smart." She looks up at you, "And many more reasons, but I have a limited amount of fingers."

You chuckle and kiss her forehead, "Thank you, маленькая сестренка." You whisper into her hair before pulling back to tuck some loose hair behind her ear. ("Little sister")

A smile graces Yelena's lips, "Of course, большая сестра." ("Big sister")

A/N: Btw, I don't know if it was a granola bar or not that Yelena pulled out

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A/N: Btw, I don't know if it was a granola bar or not that Yelena pulled out. I'm just guessing.

Sorry it's so short!

Love you all so much, and thank you for being patient during my Christmas!❤️❤️❤️

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