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        You, Sam, Steve, and King T'Challa are in an armored van in Berlin while someone drives you four God knows where.

        You clench your jaw, knowing that they strapped Bucky in a chair, put that inside of a glass container basically, then surrounded by armed agents as they drive him in an armored car.

        "So, you like cats?" Sam brings you out of your thoughts with his question directed at King T'Challa.

        "Sam." Steve half-heartedly warns.

        "What? Dude shows up dressed like a cat, and you don't want to know more?"

        You four sit in silence for a moment.

        "Your suit... it's vibranium?" Steve inquires.

        King T'Challa looks at Steve out of the corner of his eye before responding, "The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. And now, because your friend murdered my father..."

        Your jaw tightens, and you ball up your fists.

        "I also wear the mantle of king. So, I ask you... as both warrior and king... how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?"

        Before you can speak, Sam reaches over and grabs your hand, squeezing reassuringly. Once he has your attention, he shakes his head.

        "It's not worth it." He murmurs.

        "But Bucky didn't do anything..." Your eyes tear up a bit, "He didn't do it..."

        You see Bucky's glass cage being taken somewhere as you get out of the car

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        You see Bucky's glass cage being taken somewhere as you get out of the car.

        His face looks unsure, a bit scared, and way too used to it.

        You clench your fists and force yourself to walk toward the blonde woman from before as she stands next to a man about her height with white-ish silver hair.

        "What's gonna happen to him?" Steve asks as you approach the two along with three agents behind them.

        "The same thing that ought to happen to you." The man replies, "Psychological evaluation and extradition."

        Before you can defend Bucky, the blonde woman speaks, "This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander."

        "Oh, so apparently assholes have the last name 'Ross.'" You comment under your breath.


        You turn to Sam, "I'm just saying, I've had my fair share of Rosses for a lifetime."

        Steve ignores your side conversation, continuing the discussion with the two in front of you, "What about a lawyer?"

        Everett cracks a sarcastic smile, "Lawyer. That's funny." He slightly nods toward the agents, "See their weapons are placed in lockup. We'll write you a receipt."

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