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        You and Yelena run across the launchpad just as more of the Red Room explodes behind you.

        As you two approach Dreykov's jet, you notice Natalia falling behind you, right at the beginning of the launchpad.

        You instantly turn around and run back to her, leaving Yelena to get your mode of transportation.

        When you reach Natalia, you turn back toward Yelena right when she gets on top of Dreykov's jet.

Was letting her go on her own a bad idea? Yes. Yes, it was.

        You and Natalia sprint as fast as you can toward her as you watch her get on top of one of the engine fans.

        Your eyes widen when she pulls out her batons and connects them, making you pick up your pace before stopping a bit away from the jet.

        "Yelena!" Natalia yells, her voice strained with worry, "Don't do it!"

        You watch with a heavy heart as Yelena gives a small smile.

        "This was fun!" She shouts back.

        You feel your eyes fill with tears, one dropping down your face.

        Natalia shakes her head with watery eyes, "No!"

        Your hand flies over your mouth when Yelena takes the baton and sticks it into the engine, causing an explosion that sends her flying over the side as Dreykov's jet shoots off the other side before exploding in a fiery blast.

        "Маленькая сестренка!" You scream. ("Little sister")

        You run forward and grab the parachute before leaping off of the side.

        You maneuver around debris as it falls to the ground.

        You see Yelena open her eyes right before you collide with her, both letting out a grunt.

        You strap the parachute onto her as you both free fall. Once it's on, you pull it, allowing the white fabric to shoot from its confines.

        You look up as Natalia comes down away from you two, but she looks behind you and Yelena.

        When you glance that way, you see the person from Budapest heading your way.

        Well shit...

        Natalia comes up to you two and shoves you away while aiming you two up with a grunt, causing Yelena to cling to you as you grab hold of the straps.

        "When we get to the ground, I'm gonna kick your ass, маленькая сестренка." You swear. ("Little sister")

        Yelena chuckles sightly, "I'd like to see you try, старшая сестра." ("Big sister")

        You raise your eyebrow challengingly.

        You see Yelena look over your shoulder toward Natalia's direction, so you speak up.

        "I know now may not be the best time, but you remember that person I talked about in the Red Room?" You smile a bit when Yelena turns back to you with a puzzled look, "The one that I always had to fight."

        "Oh yeah! That one." Yelena nods, "Brutal." You glare at her as she chuckles, "I'm just trying to joke. We need to make light of it."

        You raise your eyebrows with a shrug, "I guess. But anyway, that woman was Melina."

        Yelena's eyes widen, "Woah... So you're the one she talked about."

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