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A/N: To all of you who are reading this as the chapters come out, I'm so sorry for all of these extremely slow updates.

I'm exhausted, and my period has taken a lot of energy, plus my psychiatrist doubled my antidepressant, so I'm still getting used to that.

I'm so so so sorry, and I love you all so insanely much.

I made this chapter extra long to hopefully make up for some of it, so enjoy.

Thank you for supporting me and loving on me through it all❤️

        You three exit the building onto the street, picking up pace as you look around, keeping watch for other Widows

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        You three exit the building onto the street, picking up pace as you look around, keeping watch for other Widows.

        "Which one's yours?" Natalia questions Yelena.

        "Black. Brown seat."

        "Where are my keys?"

        Natalia tosses Yelena's keys in the air, catching them before getting on the bike.

        "Ах сука." ("Ah, bitch")

        Natalia halts, "Wait, what about Y/-?"

        You rev your stolen bike's engine.

        Natalia looks back at you while Yelena tips her head with raised eyebrows and downturned lips.

        "Is that stolen?" Natalia asks.

        You roll your eyes, "We're in a hurry."

        "Is it stolen?"

        "It's my backup bike." Yelena quickly interjects.

        Natalia seems relatively satisfied with the answer for some reason. It's almost as if it's a book, and the author was too tired to think of a better excuse.

        You look at Yelena, and she shrugs before a crushed car barrels through the street in front of the ally you three are in.

        Natalia looks back at Yelena, "Any day now."

        She revs the bike's engine before Yelena jumps on the back as an armored car drives into the corner of a building, then turns toward the ally.

        Both you and Natalia turn your bikes in the other direction while being chased by the vehicle, destroying everything in its path.

        Can't wait till it catches us...

        As you near the end of the ally, a blue van pulls up, blocking your way, so you both turn down into a tall, open doorway.

        When you turn left on the street, you hear another motorcycle following you.

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