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-Loki's POV-

I know it's been such a short time since I've seen her, but I need to see her again.

Every time I see her sweet e/c eyes, beautiful depth beneath the surface, lighter colours swirling around on the top with the reflecting light, I feel my heart compress.

Whenever I see her face stretch into a grin, her lips parting to show her teeth, lips stretching to show her joy which causes her nose to scrunch a bit, I feel a nervousness swarming in my stomach.

Feeling her soft skin against mine when she accidentally brushes against me, or even just after she and Jasper broke up, makes me genuinely giddy.

She's the only being to do this to me.

It's not natural for me to feel this way or get this way, but she manages to do it to me every single time.

Her eyes have become my safe haven. They draw me so deep to the point that I can't escape even if I tried to... But I don't want to go anywhere except to her, except getting more lost in her mesmerizing eyes.

I need to see her once again.

I find her location in my mind, instantly leaving the white room with green randomly placed stripes and circles littered with gold lights glowing inside some of the wall's patterns.

I appear next to her inside a white and grey helicopter interior containing Agent Romanoff and a blonde as they operate the helicopter.

The blonde... Is that Agent Romanoff's sister from the apartment?

At least they seem to have patched up whatever went wrong in their relationship...

I glance toward the door where a man with a thick beard in a black jacket with red stripes on the shoulder and black pants awkwardly closes the door, causing Y/N to shake her head.


The man says something, but it's muffled to my ears.

All I can focus on is my beloved Y/N.

I place my arm around her shoulder, eliciting a gasp from her, but she relaxes - hopefully because it's me.

The man turns to Y/N, surprisingly ignoring me, who showed up out of thin air, "Oh, is this Natasha's little girlfriend?"

I resist the urge to tense up.

I don't want to give my feelings away to Y/N.

I see Y/N raise her brow, "Shut up, Alexei. Also, no. Nat and I don't date anymore."


I completely misread the situation between them.

But that still leaves the soldier...

"Hmm... Messy breakup?"

Y/N narrows her eyes, "More like 'our boyfriend got taken away from us' breakup."

The soldier?... So they aren't dating? Maybe they are, though. They could've gotten back together...

"Hmm..." The man named Alexei turns back to Agent Romanoff and the blonde at the front with a heavy breath, "Oh, I'm so proud of you girls."

Is he their father?...

The two don't answer him.

"Oh, you can't hear me, huh?" He questions loudly before laughing and reaching for a headset, "Okay." He puts it on with a chuckle, "Ah... Wow."

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