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        Bright blue-tinted spotlights, multiple dark jets flying through the almost pitch black sky toward Melina's secluded house, and complete internal panic from yourself.

        After that, you faintly remember hearing quick footsteps approaching behind you, but you didn't have enough time to fend the person off before you were knocked out.

        After that, you faintly remember hearing quick footsteps approaching behind you, but you didn't have enough time to fend the person off before you were knocked out

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        Your eyes fly open.

        You sit up with a groan, finding yourself sprawled out across an orange cushioned couch-like seating area, laid against two walls, spread away from each other as they part at the corner.

        You look around.

        You're in a cell across from two others, seemingly identical to yours.

        You can see the cell across from you is a perfect match, and you see Natalia sitting up from her own couch.

        The other cell is partially blocked because of the wall dividing Natalia's cell from that one.

        Then you hear heavy panting, and when you peek over, you see Alexei sitting down on his own little couch.

        You slump against the circular window behind you - not doing anything good for your back, but who gives a shit? You're screwed anyway.

        "What a situation." You chuckle dryly.

        Without a response, you look at Natalia curiously.


        Her eyes squint a bit, confused at the name.

        You eye her suspiciously, "You good?"

        She gives a slow nod, but before you can speak, Alexei does.

        "Natasha." His voice comes out over the speakers in your cell.

        You look over to see him next to the glass of his cell, hands pressed against it like he's a child looking at the candy display.

        "I can't save us... I need you to know that I'm sorry..."

        Out of the corner of your eye, you see Natalia sigh and look down.

        But Alexei doesn't see and, frankly, wouldn't care anyway, "I pledged my life to a cause. You know, I thought I was being very brave. Possibly the bravest."

        You roll your eyes.

        "But I wasn't being brave... I was coward..."

        Alexei's still for a moment before pushing his face against the glass and starts 'sobbing' dramatically.

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