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A/N: By the way, I will explain some things in this chapter that you may have already heard bits of previously. I just wanted a nice recap almost of your life.



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        You and Natalia walk up to the secluded trailer with your guns drawn. You open the door as Natalia holds her gun up. Once inside, you head for the bedroom.

        When Natalia looks in the mirror, she lowers her gun and smiles a bit.

        She opens the door, and you chuckle lightly as you hear snoring.

        Natalia walks over to Mason and hits his foot, making him wake up with a gasp.

        "You're in our bed." She points out.

        "I'm... I'm not even under the covers." He defends.

        "Did you get everything on my list?" Natalia asks.

        "Got passports, entry visas, a couple of local driver's licenses," Mason replies while walking out of the room.

        You and Natalia follow him, and he hands Natalia the stack.

        "Mix and match, you should be able to stretch it to twenty or so identities each."

        "Fanny Longbottom?" You question, peeking over Natalia's shoulder.


        Natalia laughs a bit, "What, are you twelve?"

        "That is a legitimate name." Mason chuckles.

        He walks around the room, "We've got a generator outside. It's petrol-powered. And the septic tank will need a flush in a couple of weeks, but, you know, I've got a guy coming for that. You have to haul your rubbish into town. It's just a twenty-minute drive." Mason comes back over toward you two, "I've got your basic hardware kit stashed under the stairs."

        "Nice." Natalia compliments.

        "Are you okay?" Mason inquires.

        "Why wouldn't I be?"

        You lower your gaze, knowing she's not okay.

        Yes, she may have you, but it's still lonely.

        Nobody to be with, talk with, see, do things with... No Bucky.

        "I hear things. You know, something about the Avengers getting divorced..."

        You laugh quietly at Mason's choice of words.

        "Ugh. It's fine." Natalia lies, "I'm actually better on my own."

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