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Forward, punch, retreat, swivel, repeat.

You continue repeating these instructions in your head as you follow the training course.

•Flashback End•


Natalia's voice continuously pulls you from your memory.

You slowly open your eyes and stop the pattern when you feel her hand gently resting on your shoulder.

"We no longer have to train in that format," Natalia whispers.

You smile weakly and nod, tears forming in your eyes.

        "Damn it..." Natalia mutters, "Uh, Loki?"

        Loki appears right next to you two. He turns to you, his face contorting into sympathy when his green eyes meet your eyes.

        Without looking away from you, Loki questions Natalia, "What happened?"

        "It doesn't matter. I have to go meet with Fury, so I need you to train with Y/N." She explains.

        You break eye contact with Loki to look at Natalia, "Take me with you?"

        She cups your face, pushing stray strands away as she smoothes your hair back.

        "I can't, дорогая. You're going to stay here and train with Loki." Natalia leans in to whisper the next part, "No Красная комната exercises, okay?" ("Sweetheart")("Red Room")

        She pulls back with a slightly stern face.

        "Okay, моя любовь." You mutter. ("My love")

        Natalia's eyes soften at what you three used to call each other, and a grin spreads across her face.

        "Я люблю вас." She whispers. ("I love you")

        Your mouth tugs upward, "Я тоже тебя люблю." ("I love you too")

        Natalia gives you a chaste kiss and squeezes your hand before turning to Loki.

        "Take care of her for me, yeah?"

        Loki nods, then Natalia leaves the training room.

        "What would you like to start with?" Loki inquires, snapping you out of your daze.

        You turn to him, "Oh, yeah... sorry about that..."

        Loki gives a tight-lipped smile, "It's no problem, Y/N."

        You give a short and hesitant nod.

        "How about we-" You stop yourself, thinking of another exercise, "Oh, we could-" You halt yet again.

        Everything you think of is a Red Room exercise.

        You stay frozen for a moment before sighing, "I don't know."

        "Do you do hand-to-hand combat?"

        You slowly nod again.

        It isn't technically the Red Room's patterns if I do it how it comes naturally... right?

        "Do you have any particular pattern?"

        You hesitate a bit, then nod once more.

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