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        "Today is your lucky day, Alexei," Natalia remarks.

        You cross your arms and sigh, leaning back into your seat at the back of the helicopter.

        This will be interesting...

        Yelena shows Natalia a tablet containing the greyed blueprints of the prison, also showing alarms and exits.

        "Move to the door on the south wall," Natalia commands, eyes still focused on the device.

        After a few moments, Natalia speaks again, "Go left... Just don't make a scene."

        "It's Alexei. I've heard about him. He's going to make a scene." You comment.

        "That is true." Yelena agrees.

        "Well, we can only hope," Natalia mutters.

        She sighs after hearing the commotion, "You made a scene, didn't you?" She asks flatly.

        Alexei doesn't reply. Instead, you can hear him yell as you see a large, green-tinted metal door slam onto the ground.

        You watch as the man runs over the fresh snow, between the yellow fences, and to the middle of the area where four entrances join.

        "What now?" Alexei pants over comms.

        "We're gettin' you outta here."

        Natalia and Yelena move the helicopter over the area.

        You watch from the window, seeing inmates shouting as they flood out of the now absent doored entrance.

        Guards are shouting, prisoners are running out of all exits, alarms start blaring... It's chaos.

        "Go to the upper level," Natalia instructs.

        You watch Alexei go through one of the gates beside him.

        "Move your ass, super soldier."

        You watch with raised brows as Alexei scales a concrete wall, catching onto a metal bar in two jumps. After gripping the bar, he boosts himself up to catch a ledge before grabbing onto a yellow railing.

        When trying to get over it, a guard comes up and electrocutes him with a stick, causing him to scream in pain and fall down onto the hard ground with a groan.

        "He's never going to make it." Yelena remarks.

        Natalia glances at her, "Get me closer."

        Both you and Yelena look over at her with raised brows.

"You got a better idea?"

You sigh and watch Natalia go over to the door as Yelena gets the helicopter closer.

Natalia grabs a rope, using it to get her down before letting go with a flip, finally landing in her superhero pose between guards.

Yelena shakes her head, "Such a poser."

You get into Natalia's seat beside Yelena as Natalia begins to fight the guards.

Soon, shots start to ricochet off the helicopter, causing alarms to go off inside.

Yelena lowers the helicopter slightly, exhaling sharply as she attempts to maneuver around things.

She gives a small frustrated yelp as more bullets hit.

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