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A/N: Here's some backstory on Loki and Jasper.

A/N: Here's some backstory on Loki and Jasper

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-Loki's POV-

I walk into the common room just in time to see Y/N drag Ms. Maximoff toward her bedroom, Agent Romanoff not far behind.

I sigh, pain overtaking my thoughts.

I know I don't have any right to be hurt, but I still am. I can't help it.

I go back to my room, laying down on my bed and summoning the first thing that came to mind... alcohol.

I take off the cap, take a swig, then begin tossing the top up before catching it and repeating.

Now that I think about it, how did all of this start? How the Hel did I become friends with the bastard Jasper?


I'm walking through the gardens when I notice a man with dirty blond hair and is roughly y/h.

I tilt my head.

I've never seen this man before.

"Who are you?" I ask.

He spins around, "Who are you?"

I scoff, "I'm the prince of Asgard, Loki."

"So you're the prince."

"That's what I just said."

The man chuckles.

"I've never met you. Who are you?"

"I'm a person of magical abilities."

"And why are you here?"

"I was brought here by Thor to help with the upcoming battle you're planning against the Frost Giants."

•End Flashback•

We fought side by side. We protected each other the whole time.

Our friendship grew, and when I found out I was a Frost Giant, he comforted me.


A light knock comes at my door.

"Go away..."

Jasper phases through my door.

"No." He says firmly.

I glare at him, "What do you want?"

"Well, I know you're a Frost Giant, and I know you need comforting."

My jaw clenches.

"I don't need anyone." I hiss.

Jasper walks over, sitting on the bed next to me.

"Yes, you do. Everyone needs someone. Don't push people away."

I sigh and shake my head, then flop back onto the bed.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I ask quietly, feeling the tears already forming in my eyes.

"I don't know, but I'm sure he had a reason."

I sit bolt upright, "No! He wanted me as a weapon. A weapon! I was a-a shield to him! He took me away from my home, my family... How is that love?"

Jasper nods, thinking my words through before finally speaking.

"I don't know his feelings. As much as I want to know so I can help you, I don't. I don't have the answers you want, but I have the answers you need. People still love you. I'm not going anywhere, and neither is Thor, neither is your mother. You are her son, Thor's brother, and my friend."

My face softens a bit into a small smile.


Jasper returns my grin, "No problem."

•End Flashback•

He used to be so nice.

What happened?

Maybe the old him deserved Y/N, but the Jasper she got wasn't worthy of her love, of her care and patience.

Y/N deserves someone to treat her like the goddess she is. The queen she has always been.

My goddess... my queen...

But that's not reality.

Y/N won't ever be mine to love, hold, appreciate, praise, cherish.

But all of the moments with her were magical.

The times when we would read together in the library. The times when we would walk around the garden discussing our favourite books. The times when we would cook together.

I was more of a boyfriend to Y/N than Jasper ever was.

I wish I had met her before Jasper.

I wish Jasper hadn't returned to earth to join the Avengers... the place he met the most amazing woman.

I could sit here and wish all day, or I could go and see how Y/N is doing.

When I go into the hall, I see Y/N and Agent Romanoff hand in hand.

"You know I love you. I've been in love with you. We both have emotions. The Red Room can never take our hearts from us."

Y/N's lips curl up, "I love you too."

Why do I even wish anymore?

I return to my room, disappointed.

        I return to my room, disappointed

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A/N: I know, I know. I should've made him hear, but I have further plans that I've already written, and he can't know that then, meaning he can't know now.


I know this chapter is short like the previous one, I just wanted to give some backstory, and I didn't know how to fill it up. I also kinda got sidetracked last night, so I didn't get to writing it until late.

Sorry again!

Love you all so so so much!❤️

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