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        The barred glass door creaks as Natalia opens it.

        You two walk through the hallway into an open-roofed circle with a street where you can see all the balconies of apartments.

        You two find the building you need and take the rumbling elevator up to the floor of the safe house.

        Natalia begins picking the lock before a voice is heard through the door.


        "I know you're out there."

        Natalia stops and reaches for her gun, "I know you know I'm out here."

        You two enter the now unlocked apartment, Natalia with her gun drawn.

        She creeps around corners, waiting for Yelena to show herself.

        "Then why are you skulking about like it's a minefield?"

        You chuckle.

        "'Cause I don't know if I can trust you," Natalia replies, checking every room she passes.

        Yelena chuckles, "Funny, I was going to say the same thing."

        You pull out a chocolate bar and begin munching on it as you follow her.

        "Really, N/N?" Natalia mumbles, hearing the wrapper.

        "Yes, Nat. I'm fucking hungry."

        Natalia continues down the hallway.

        "So we gonna talk like grown-ups?" She asks as she approaches a doorway on the right, pointing her gun at it.

        Yelena also appears on the other side of the doorway, her gun drawn as well.

        "Is that what we are?"

        You look at her from behind Natalia and wave.

        "Long time no see, N/N."

        You nod, "Too long." You agree before taking another bite of chocolate.

        Natalia walks forward toward Yelena as she backs up, keeping her gun pointed at Natalia the whole time.

        "Put it down before I make you," Yelena commands.

        You flop down on the couch as you watch them.

        "You put yours down," Natalia demands.

        Yelena trips a bit.

        "Watch your step."

        Yelena chuckles softly.

        They continue walking into the kitchen, Yelena still walking backward before stopping.

        They reach for each other's guns at the same time, spinning around to change spots as they re-point the other woman's gun at each other.

        A green mist appears next to you, so you look over just as Loki appears.

        "Hello, darling."

        You flush a bit at the name.

        "Hey yourself."

        You and Loki look back at the sisters, who are now fighting each other, slamming each other against things and breaking dishes against each other as they wreck the kitchen.

        "Well... What have we here?" Loki asks.

        You turn back to him, "Family feud." You shrug, "No big deal. They can handle it."

        Loki's eyebrows shoot up.

        "Don't worry." You unconsciously lay your hand on his thigh, "This is just a greeting."

        Glass shatters as Natalia is thrown into the door, landing just inside the room you and Loki are in.

        Loki makes an ottoman appear in front of him. You both put your feet up as his arm drapes on the couch behind you.

        This feels so natural.

        You look over at him with a smile as he watches the two sisters wrestle. Yelena holds a knife as Natalia defends herself with something she picked up from a desk.

        But you can't focus on that. You're too enchanted by Loki.

        When he glances your way, you blush even more and look back at the sisters who are now writhing on the floor as they strangle each other with a curtain.

        Natalia holds her hand out, "Перемирие." ("Truce")

        The two sisters let go simultaneously, gasping for air - specifically Yelena - as they untangle themselves from the cream fabric.

        "Ты вырос." Natalia comments. ("You've grown up")

        Yelena looks over at Natalia for a second before pulling the curtain from around her neck when she answers, "Нет дерьма." ("No shit")

        Yelena gets up, heading to the kitchen as Natalia follows.

        "You had to come to Budapest, didn't you?"

        "I came here because I thought you wouldn't," Yelena informs.

        "You know, I should go." Loki remarks.

        You turn to him, "Oh..."

        Loki hesitates but kisses your cheek before disappearing into green mist.

        You beam as you lay your hand on your cheek where he kissed.

A/N: I'm sorry it's so short, I just felt like that was a good place to end it

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A/N: I'm sorry it's so short, I just felt like that was a good place to end it.

I also didn't know if you guys wanted a Loki POV of this, so I didn't want to go too far into the story if I'm going to rewind so much, you know?

Let me know if you want a Loki POV for next chapter!

His POV would be kinda the same thing just with this thoughts. Idk.

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