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Even though senior year is supposed to be hard we're still in the phase where our teacher wants us to get to know everyone so we have to go around the class and have everyone fill out a question. Of course most of us cheat the system and just copy answers but it is better than actually doing assignments. Really this excercise is just us walking around talking while our teacher Mr. Budden does whatever the fuck he wants on his laptop. And because I understand this, the second we're dismissed from our seats I walk across the room and sit across from Jess who looks so hot today in a sweater vest and khakis.

"Do you want a hair ty?" I ask as I watch her struggle to keep her hair out of her face.

She smiles and says, "Yeah for sure."

I don't hesitate to pull the one I have off of my wrist and hand it to her which leads to our fingers touching. She pulls it around and it snaps but she doesn't seems phased and just says, "Im so sorry, I'll bring you another one tommorrow, my sister has a bunch."

I don't even care cause it's just a hair ty and I pull the bigger one off of my wrist. "No its okay you can have this one."

She shakes her head which makes her curls bounce. "Nah it's chill, I'm not trying to break your whole supply."

"Okay," I mumble and put it back on my wrist.

Jess scans the paper with the questions in front of her. "So what do you want to ask me?" she says looking back at me and it becomes 100 degress hotter.

I look at the paper quickly. "Umm uhh whens your birthday no actually," I stop and look over the paper some more. There's so much I want to ask her, most of the questions aren't on the paper though. Why do you smell so good? Do you know my pussy sort of has a hearbeat at the moment? You were the cutie at the fair right? Jess watches me think with a smile.

A boy who I've seen skating with Jess in front of school stands in front of our desk. "Yo Jess you're favorite disney movie is Lemonade mouth right?" he asks holding a marker to his wrinkled paper. Shit I love lemonade mouth. Oh my god talk Rose.

Jess looks between me and the boy and stands up with her pencil. "Yeah." Gosh I love her voice. It's deep but not too deep. She looks over me and my paper. Shit should I be standing now? "ill give you a hair tye Don't ask me anything on the paper," she says smoothly and my heart drops. I think she hates me for a second but then she scribbles a phone number in the corner of my paper before going to the back of the room where a group of guys and girls are exchanging papers.


It's the third day of school and I'm already tired of this bullshit. Yea I'm grateful for my education and the good school system we have, but I lost my fake which is neccassary for this weekend. Not Devon's party of course, because I can do whatever I want there, but Saturday when I plan on going to the liquor store and getting backwoods from the gas station. Honestly just thinking about my fake reminds me when I first got it two years ago with Jamari. I didn't tell him but I was scared as fuck every second I carried that thing around while Jamari didn't give a single care in the world. Even now as he talks to one of the boys on the football team he looks like he couldn't care less. Just like that girl Jess who Rose showed me at the beginning of school before the security guard yelled at us to get to class.

I keep my place standing by the water fountain as the minutes of passing period slowly pass away. I lock eyes with Jamari and in one second he's gone walking down the hallway through the bunches of freshmen who look like middle schoolers. I almost want to scream "Jamari stop being a bitch ass nigga, and get over yourself," but we both know, him more than me, there's a lot of stuff that can't be pushed under the bridge. Especially since he blocked me on everything, he even blocked my mom and Alex so the only way I could spy on his inactive page is going on Rose's phone.

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