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"What are you getting?" Rio asked Ren.

"Just, two lattes and a cake" Was what Ren replied. He remembered Nanami loved to drink latte and eat cake while reading a good book. The brunet shook away the thoughts of Nanami and tried to focus on Rio. "What about you?"

"Same" was Rio's simple answer.

"Any specific kind of cake sir? Ma'am?" The barista asked, while busily making their lattes. "Dark Chocolate" Ren answered.

"Orange cake" Rio said.

The man behind the counter nodded at them, and called for one of the staffs to get their requested cakes.

"So Nanami's back huh?" Rio commented.

"Hmm" Ren merely hummed to show he was paying attention to her.

"Everyone's coming back these days, you know" Rio continued. "First Karma, and then you updated the GC that's been dead for years and suddenly everyone in the group is coming back into our lives" Rio recounted. "And now Nanami"

"I know, isn't it wonderful?" Ren found himself smiling. "We've been absent from each other's lives and then one day we're all back together"

"I was never absent from your life" Rio said.

Ren looked at the blonde woman. "Yeah, I guess so"

"I never left" Rio reminded him.

Ren thought about it more. That's right, Rio never left. As time went on and everyone moved on with their new lovers and careers, barely making time for each other because they were all busy with their own lives, but Rio stayed put.

She and him became closer as friends, and might even become something more.

Ren found himself smiling as the memories flooded his mind. And, he realized Rio was always right there. Always available, always coming towards him. Strange, why had he never noticed before?

"Here's your lattes and cakes" the barista came back and handed them their paper bags containing what they ordered.

The two handed the barista their cash and left the shop together.

"Thank you" Ren said to the blonde. The woman looked at him with a raised brow, confused. "For what?"

"For staying, for not disappearing, for-" Ren blushed, but he continued anyway "f-for being here...with, me"

He felt his heart skip a beat, as cheesey as that sounded, when Rio released a lovely laugh. He turned to face her and found her cheeks were rosy. "D-did I make her blush?"

Rio walked and stood infront of him, blocking his path, hands behind her back and a confident smile. "I'll always be here with you. Cheesey, I know, but it's true"

The wind blew her hair, and the cherry blossoms fell rained down on them. It was a romantic setting, and Ren both cursed and praised her for her perfect timing.

"I'm into you" Rio revealed.

Ren has known this for a long time, but it didn't stop his heart from beating faster and for his face to lit aflame. He clutched the paper bag in his hand.

"You're into me too right?" Rio's smile stretched wider, almost reaching her beautiful Sapphire blue eyes.

Ren's heart was pounding in his chest. "God damn it Nakamura! What are you doing to me?!" He restrained himself from clutching his heart. "Heeeeey, just admit it, you're into me too" Rio teased. "You like me"

"I do" Ren thought. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. His stupid brain couldn't function properly! He can't form any words!

Ren is well aware that his face must be as red as Akabane's hair right now, and he cringed at the thought.

It's always him who made the women swoon! It's always him who made the girls blush! It's always him who made young ladies a stupid, stuttering, blushing, idiotic mess!

But Rio, Rio was making him a blushing, stupid, swooning, wordless, idiot looking buffoon!

And that's another thing that makes her so charming.

She can make him like this.

"I li-!!"

Like Nanami.

He stopped himself when he realized that Nanami can make him like this too. Looking at Rio, he could see Nanami in her.

"Oh no" he thought. "No, no no no no stop thinking about her, here is a beautiful, wonderful woman right infront of you and she shares your feelings.....why the hell are you thinking of another woman?!"

He felt angry at himself. Just why can't he forget, move on! From his feelings for Nanami?

"Hey" just then, warm, soft hands cupped his cheeks.

He realized Rio had moved and was now standing directly infront of him, her face just inches from him, worry in her blue orbs.

He placed a hand on hers, and pressed his forehead against hers. He really hated himself right now. "I'm sorry" he whispered

"For what?" Rio asked.

Ren pushed her hands away. He looked to the side, ashamed. "I can't help but compare you two. I see her in you"

Rio tilted her head to the side. "See her in me...you mean Nanami?"

Ren nodded, still looking ashamed.

Rio blinked twice. "Uhh, that's fine"

Ren looked at her with wide eyes. "W-what?! No it's not fine Rio!"

"Listen, I don't mind if you see your former crush in me, it means I have qualities she possesses that brings you joy" Rio explained.

"But it's not fair for you!" Ren yelled. "It's really not fair! I shouldn't be thinking of another woman when I'm with you! Because I like you and I'm into you but for some unexplained reason my thoughts would wonder to Nanami! It's....it's.....I'm trash!" Ren pulled on his hair.

Rio bit her lip, and gently pried his hands from his head. "You said it yourself idiot. You're into me, you admitted you like me. Which means, in time....you'll like me even more and you'll forget your feelings for Nanami. And you'll see only me" she smiled assuringly.

"I can wait for you, there's no rush" she chuckled. "Compared to Gakushū and Karma, we have all the time in the world"

Ren still looked upset.

"Rio....if I ask you to wait for me to get over another woman...am I...a piece of garbage?"

"No" Rio shook her head. "You're trying to move on from her right? Eventually you'll be running towards me" she smirked when Ren rolled his eyes and blushed again. "Till then...I'll be right here, waiting"

(Author: Can ya'll like, comment down the typos I missed so I can edit them later on?)

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