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Ren watched the medics place Rio on a stretcher and carried her inside the ambulance. He felt sick, he felt scared.

Why, when he finally cut the strings holding him back and decide to accept his feelings for Rio, did this have to happen?

It was only when the ambulance drove away did he snap out of it. He called for a cab and told the driver to follow the ambulance and to step on it.

The driver nodded, noting the look of shock and fear on the young man.

"She'll be okay" he repeated in his head. "She'll be okay she'll be okay everything will be okay.."

As soon as they arrived at the hospital he jumped out of the cab, tossing the man money and ignoring his cries of "you over paid!". He just needed to get to Rio's side.

"Nakamura Rio!" He yelled at the man managing the front desk.  The man searched the name on his computer, before reporting "She's in critical condition. Since she lost a lot of blood she was taken to the ER for a-"

"I have to there!" He almost grabbed the man's collar. "Please! I have to see her!". The man heard the urgency in his voice, and took pity on him. "What is your relationship with the patient?"

"I'm her-" he froze. He bit his lip and thought, what is he to Rio? But this is no time to be thinking of those thoughts, he just really needs to be by her side "I'm her boyfriend" he told.

The man nodded. "After the transfusion she'll be taken to room 21" he tried to offer Ren a comforting smile. "You should sit down sir. I can assure you your girlfriend will be fine"

Ren's breathing was uneven, but he did what he was told and went to take a seat.

He covered his face with his hands and started sobbing. He's afraid, he's afraid he's afraid he's very afraid. What if something goes wrong during the blood transfusion? What if they give her the wrong blood type or something?

Ren slapped himself.

"Don't think of the worst Sakakibara" he mentally scolded himself. "Excuse me sir" someone patted his shoulder.

He looked up and saw a man in a white coat. A doctor perhaps. "Would you like to gather your girlfriend's belongings? Her phone was ringing a few minutes ago". The brunet just nodded stiffly and followed the doctor to get Rio's things.

But then he realized he should call Rio's parents and inform them about their daughter's accident.

The problem was, he didn't know their phone number. And he doesn't want to use Rio's phone because he felt like that would be an invasion of privacy

"Idiot, this is no time to be respectful of privacy! Their daughter got hit by a car and is in the ER because of you" he snapped at  himself.

Lucky for him, her phone didn't have a lock. "Careless woman" he sighed, sliding the screen upwards. "Someone undesirable could easily use your phone for blackmail you know" he walked towards the room he was told Rio will be in.

He found her contacts and after much scrolling, found her mother's number. It was fairly easy since her ID was 'Mom'

He pressed call

He waited with bated breath for someone to pick up.

"Rio! Hello sweetheart" Came a soft voice. His breathing  hitched. "H-hi um, Mrs. Nakamura, your daughter was in an accident" he started, shakily. "And is having a blood transfusion as we speak, but don't worry the doctors assured me she'll be fine"

"W-what? An accident?" He felt terrible after hearing the horrified gasp. "Oh my poor baby girl...thank you for telling me! We'll be on our way"

"It was nothing ma'am.." he smiled sadly.

The woman hung up. Ren pressed his back against the wall and pocketed the phone. "What else could go wrong?" He whispered, running his fingers through his hair in frustration and worry.


Gakushū stood outside the balcony, eyes searching the street down below for any sign of his red head.

He tried calling Karma, but he wasn't picking up.

It has already been two hours since Karma left, Gakushū's worry increased by the minute that passed.

The strawberry blonde grabbed his phone and went downstairs.

"Calm down, don't be paranoid", he tried to convince himself. "It's probably nothing, he could be pranking you, or his phone ran out of battery"

He spoke to the woman managing the front desk. Lucky for him, she spoke fluent japanese.

He was so worried he forgot to speak Italian and instead spoke his native language when he asked her if his boyfriend passed her.

"He did" she recalled. "Did you see where he went?" He couldn't hide the urgency in his voice.

"He turned left" the woman said. "I saw through the CCTV that he went to an alley and....I'm sorry sir but that was the last time I saw him, our CCTVs can't reach that far"

"Are there no other CCTV cameras elsewhere?" Gakushū asked impatiently.

The woman thought for a moment. But then she remembered "There is! There's one by the lamp post, and it has a good view of the alley he went to"

"Thank you!" He said before running out.

But then he returned and handed her a sheet of paper. "If I'm not back by dark, call the police, and the numbers on this paper" and then he left.

The woman read what was written on the paper.

There were phone numbers, and beneath the numbers were instructions.

I Will Win You Back(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now