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(Author: It's not cancer though)

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(Author: It's not cancer though)


"Aishiteru" he whispered, as his lips crashed against his, his hands traveling all over his body. They fell into the bed, Karma's hands were pinned above his head. "Aishiteru" Gakushū repeated, now kissing his cheek, nose, forehead, and then his mouth again. "Aishiteru" he kept repeating.

"I can't wait to marry you" Gakushū whispered in his ear.

Karma smiled lovingly, as Gakushū played with his red locks. "Marrying me means you can't have children"

"We can always adopt, or find a surrogate mother" Gakushū said.

"Why me?" Karma clutched Gakushū's shirt.

"Why not?" Gakushū chuckled. "You're beautiful, you're strong, you're smart, you're amazing, you're cooking is phenomenal" Gakushū listed. "You're perfect" he kissed the back of Karma's hand. "You're Akabane Karma" he looked into Karma's golden gaze.

"Soon to be Asano Karma"


"Soon to be?" Karma laughed at the memory, biting his lip as he injected himself. He had barely made it back home. How stupid could he be? Why did he leave his medication at home? And what if his mother come snooping inside his room again?

"What, the hell am I even doing?" He muttered, sliding down against the door to sit on the cold tiled floor. "Why did I even come back?"

It wasn't like he could be with Gakushū forever like they dreamed of. His time is very limited, he's really screwed up huh? "I'm such a selfish bastard" he grabbed tissues and covered his mouth with it as he started coughing blood.

He reached a hand to the sink, and turned on the faucet, letting the running water cover his voice.

He's lucky, very very lucky, that the love of his life is giving him a second chance. To be in his arms again, have him, hold him, kiss him. But then what? After thirty days he'll leave Gakushū with a broken heart again. And Gakushū might even end up hating him forever.

He hugged himself pitifully, and imagined his Gakushū is with him, holding him, keeping him safe.

Eventually, Karma got up, wiped the blood from his mouth, and tossed the bloodied tissues, the now empty pill bottle, and the syringe in the trash can. Then he started throwing random junk into the trash to cover up the items.

His dear mother is not an idiot. He got most of his brains, manipulative and sadistic nature from her after all. He's always taken more after his mother than his father, personality-wise. So, when he opened the door to see her standing outside, he was not surprised. He expected this of course.

"When did you get home? Did Kagami try to convince into convincing me to agree to help them?" Karma asked with a small laugh.

"Karma.." his mother bit her lip so hard it bled, her identical golden eyes were tearful. She reached her hand to wipe the small bit of blood on his mouth that he had missed.

She raised his shirt, seeing the syringe's marks on his stomach, then his arms. "What is your disease my love?" She asked, gently, fearfully. "Please...please Karma, I am your mother. I have a right to know" she begged, shaking him.

Karma placed a hand on her cheek, wiping away her tears with his thumb. "What good would knowing the name do? It won't help cure me, would it?" He chuckled.

Natsuki understood. He didn't want to tell her the name because he doesn't want her to worry, to scare her. Is it really serious? Could it possibly be....terminal?


Day 15

Gakushū stared at the ring in his palm. The ring Karma left behind when he ran away two years ago. He kept it all this time, because subconsciously, he was waiting for Karma to come back and put it back on and....

Marry him.

The strawberry blonde man closed his eyes. He's fallen again, and he can't get up. He loves Karma, deeply. That red head rearranged his entire universe and he's both angry and happy about it. God he's so pathetic when it comes to his red head.

Knock knock! Knock knock!

Gakushū groaned when he heard the loud knockings on the door, but he forced himself up and went to open it.

When he opened the door however, he got tackled onto the floor by two kids. "Uncle Shū!" They screamed in happiness. Gakushū laughed. "Alex, Alice!" He greeted his niece and nephew. "This is a pleasant surprise"

"Kids get off your uncle!" Mira entered the apartment, she gave her brother in law a smile. "Hello Gakushū, I'm sorry about them! they just missed you so much"

"Huh, Nanami-nee flying back here was a surprise. But now my sister in law and niece and nephews too?" Gakushū carried Alice in his arms while Alex hugged his leg. "What's the occasion?"

"Umm" Mira was cut off by her phone ringing. "Oh, sorry Gakushū! I have to take this--I'll be right back, kids please behave yourselves!"

"We're always behaved!" Alex called after his mother. The ebony haired woman had already left the apartment to look for better cell service.

Alex looked at his uncle. "We want ice cream!"

"Ice cream!!" Alice cheered.

Gakushū smiled, before going to the kitchen, the kids decided to wander around the apartment.

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