Oh Baby... [Pt 2.2]

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    "What do you mean she just appeared??"
    Dream shrugged. "It's like I said, Grian had a nightmare, panicked, knocked me and Techno off the bed and fell asleep, then we heard a baby crying so we turned around and there she was."
    It was silent for a moment, the only noise being the soft babbling tumbling endlessly from the baby's mouth as she played with Grian's fingers. 

   Phil buried his face in his hands, obviously having suspected something about the situation. "How did Grian knock you guys off the bed?" 
   Techno frowned, a little confused. Out of the whole thing, that’s the part Phil focused on? "Uh, like a burst of magic or whatever. Like, restless magic, a few stray bolts of lightning- y’know."
    Phil ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, so it is like that," he muttered to himself. Clasping his hands in front of him, he made eye contact with each one of the younger males. "Techno, Dream, Grian-" he paused, then gave a small smile. "-Welcome to parenthood, good luck."

    "What?!" A chorus of exclamations rang out, shocking the baby who looked around curiously as she made little sounds that almost sounded like she was mimicking them.
   "You're fathers now." Phil offered, going to sit down beside his own son. "Grian's a Watcher, whose powers are on par with a god. He can create life- like he did tonight if enough energy was gathered and used with that intent. Or, well, since his magic was so restless it had no intent and went with whatever would drain the most energy. Hence- baby."
    Dream looked back at the little girl as Techno buried his face in his hands, getting a comforting pat in the back from his dad. Grian looked shocked but much more accepting of the new role than his boyfriends. 

   "We can't be fathers! Grian is the only one even remotely good with kids, and we have nothing for children! Not even clothes!" Dream exclaimed, pulling a whine from the baby at the yelling. 
   "Dream, stop yelling. You're scaring her." Grian instructed, cooing at the girl in her lap. 
   "What are we supposed to do with a baby, Phil? We haven't even come out to our followers yet." Techno asked, laying his head against Phil’s shoulder. 

   "I'm sure you'll be great. Techno, you're a wonderful big brother, and I'm sure you'll be a wonderful dad too. Dream, you're protective, you will be a great protector, and your boyfriends will help you with the everyday things when it comes to children. Grian- well he's already adapted to his role." Phil explained, motioning to the avian who had completely tuned them out to play with the baby on his lap. 

   Techno huffed, but there was a small smile on his face. "We still don't have stuff for kids, and my house is far too small to raise a kid in."
   "Your brother has a kid- maybe some things are still there from when Fundy was young. You can ask him for baby stuff. As for the house-"
   Phil was interrupted by Grian. "We will not be raising our daughter here in the Dream SMP. The plot here is far too violent. She can come with us to Hermitcraft or even our personal server." The tone in his voice was final, the type he got when you know there was no changing his mind.
    "Both places have large houses to stay in, courtesy of Grian. So that wouldn't be too much an issue with housing there." Dream added, not really minding the jab against his lands. 

  Everyone was silent for a moment before the baby was making grabby hands at Techno with small whines. With a soft sigh and a smile, Techno took the baby into his own arms, holding her close to his chest as she laid her head against him, tired. 
   Phil brushed the baby's hair out of her face with a soft chuckle. "What are you going to name her?"
   "Selene. Er- if that's good with you two?" Techno asked, looking over at his boyfriends. Grian laid his head on Dreams' lap with a tired smile. "It fits her. I like Selene."
   Dream nodded in agreement. "I like it. Now we should all get some sleep, we can sort this out in the morning."

   As the three boyfriends laid down, tucking their new daughter safely between them, Phil left the room, closing the door behind him with a soft sigh. "Selene, huh? That's going to one powerful little girl. So much magic in her blood, damn, a god, an admin, and a Watcher? That’ll be fun."

  Another part written and done. One remaining before you guys get the bonus chapter (the discord knows what I'm on about 😉) and then we move on to the normal chapters, rather than the beginning of a new Arc (which is what each of these multi part chapters are)

Also, I've got pictures of Selene if you want to see them! They're posted to the discord, but I can also add them here if people want to see

  Sorry this chapter is so short, it's barely even 1k words. However it was originally meant to be One part that later had to be split in two. So it was bound to be a bit short.
Anyways, as always, hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!

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