Confession ❤💚💝 [ Part 2 ]

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      Dream and Techno had went back to their server, the one that Grian had made for the three of them.
      Techno had gotten to work on a flower crown, specifically choosing the flowers that had the colors that represented them. A poppy, a pink tulip, and bright green fern leaves to connect them instead of twining the stems together.
    Dream knew that Grian had a sweet tooth, and recalled that he once mentioned chocolate was one of his favorites. So he made small chocolate hearts and put them in a bag for when he went to see Grian.

] [ ] [

      Mumbo had returned to Hermitcraft and was trying to convince X to whitelist Dream and Techno.
   Xisuma wasn't amused. "Mumbo, they hurt Grian. How are we supposed to trust that bringing them here won't make things worse?"
    "X, please. I've seen how they reacted to being told about Grian's state of mind. They didn't even know they hurt him!"
    "You really think that'd they would just admit that they hurt Grian to his best friend?" X asked, obviously not believing that they were sincere.
    "Maybe you can't trust them, X. But can you at least trust me? Grian can't get much worse than he already is. I'm sure that they can fix their mistake."
    "Fine. They've got two hours on the server to fix their mistake. If they don't fix it, then they aren't getting another chance." X relented, pulling up the admin panel and whitelisting the two players.
     Mumbo pulled up his own panel, although it didn't have near as many functions. He turned to his private messages and sent a very simple one to Dream, assuming he and Techno were together.
    You've got two hours. Make them count, or you won't be getting another chance.

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     Dream and Techno arrived not even two minutes after the message was sent with their gifts.
     "Where's Grian?" Techno asked, straight to the point.
      "At his hobbit hole. Follow me." Mumbo said, handing the two an unenchanted elytra and a handful of rockets.
     They were not good fliers. They nearly crashed many times, and upon landing lost over half of their health.
    Grian poked his head out of his door at the noise, curious who just crashed at his base, and why.
    Dream was the first to see him, and his heart felt like it broke at the sight of him. He looked like a mess. His eyes were slightly bloodshot from crying, he had bags under his eyes, and his hands were raw from non-stop building with rough materials.
    "Dream, Techno? What are you doing on the Hermitcraft server?" Grian asked, trying to play happy.
    Techno turned to him and rushed forward to wrap the small hermit in a hug. "Grian, I'm so sorry."
    Grian just stood there in shock for a moment. "What?"
     Dream walked forward and took Grains hand in his. "Mumbo told us what happened. How you reacted to me confessing to Techno? We came to cheer you up. And to tell you something as well."
    Grian looked between the two of them, tears forming in his eyes again, but he tried to hide it. "Oh, okay- come in then." he said, his voice cracking as he tried to hide his sadness.
     Grian led them inside. His hobbit hole was a mess, shulkerboxes everywhere. But at the same time it wasn't any worse than it was on a usual basis, surprisingly.
    "Grian, I don't think you heard the full conversation between me and Dream." Techno started.
     Grian shrugged. "I heard enough. I'm happy for you two, really! It's about time you got together. You've been pining for eachother for awhile."
    Dream noticed the upset undertone to his voice. "You didn't hear enough, and the misunderstanding is proof of that. Grian, we haven't just fallen for eachother."
     Grian paused. "What?"
     Techno rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Grian, we really like you. Hell, we love you. And well, we wanted to know if you wanted to join our relationship?"
     Grian started to cry, which set the other two into a panic.
     "You don't have to if you don't want to-"
     "Yeah, we can be just friends if that's what you want!"
     Grian laughed through his tears as he launched himself into Techno, burying his face in his shoulder. "If this is a dream, I never want to wake up."
    Techno held him close. Dream smiled and ruffled the hermits hair. "The only Dream around is me."
    Grian looked up with a big smile, despite the tears. He grabbed Dreams wrist and pulled him into the hug too. "You two are amazing. I love you too. I'd love to join your relationship"
     Dream and Techno lit up as they held Grian, and eachother, close. He accepted!
   They sat their for awhile before Dream gasped and pulled away, much to the dismay of the other two, if the whines that came from them had anything to say.
    He laughed. "I'm still right here, you two. And Grian, we brought you gifts!" He exclaimed, holding up the bag of chocolates and the flower crown.
    Grians eyes lit up happily as he jumped up from his spot on Technos lap. "You didn't need to do that! But I definitely appreciate it."
    He put on the flower crown and smiled brightly. "It's our colors!"
    Techno and Dream both laughed. He was adorable. "Yeah, that was the intention when I was making it."
    Grian hummed as he ate a piece of chocolate, before handing one to each of the other two. "You two deserve chocolate too!"
    Dream had went to deny, but Grian wasn't taking no as an answer. He just shoved the chocolate heart into his mouth when he was protesting.
    Techno burst out laughing at the interaction, and Grian had a smug look. Dream stood there in shock for a moment before snickering a little himself, eating the chocolate.

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Grian brought up the question that was bound to be asked eventually. "So, what now? Are we official? Do we do the usual couple stuff?"
    "Well, I'm fine with whatever you two decide. We can jump into the whole relationship situation, or we could take it slow." Techno commented, chuckling a little at Grian who was wearing his cloak. It was far too big on him, but it was cute seeing him wear it.
    "I think we should take it slow. At our own pace. I'd love to be official, but I think we need some time to adjust before we announce our relationship out. And definitely not to our fans, not yet." Grian commented.
    "I agree with Grian. We should take things at our own pace, not what people expect us to do. If that means keeping our relationship secret, I can manage that. No matter how much I want to show off my boyfriends." Dream said, laying upsidedown on the couch, feet hanging over the back.
    Techno nodded. "I can agree with you there, Dream."
    Grain went over and flopped onto Techno's lap, smiling up at him. Dream adjusted to sit properly and laid his head against Techno's shoulder.
   "I love you both."

] [ ] [

    They had hung out for the entire two hours X had allowed them on the server. They had been kicked by the automatic timer when the two hours were up. That had very much shocked Grian who was cuddling up to them when they suddenly disappeared and he fell over.
    He frowned, not sure what just happened, before he realized they had disconnected.
   He grabbed his gifts and disconnected as well, to join them on their server.
      Grian has disconnected

The simple chat message sent a wave of relief through everyone online. He was finally feeling better.

So here is the end of the Confession Chapter! You get a lil angst, and fluff too! Sorry for those who were waiting for their first kiss, but not quite yet. It's coming though, don't worry!

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