How it Begins

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     When Iskall invited to Grian to MCC, he hesitated to accept. The championships were mainly PVP, and Grian did not have a good history in that area. He was pretty decent at it, but he didn't like PVP. He had a good reason after all. Sam... left an impact.
    So how did he get here, standing in the lobby of MCC as the timer counted down to the start of the competition. Players ran around, interacting with their team, other teams, and anyone they pleased. His own team was talking amongst themselves and streams. Who was streaming? He forgets, but he remember someone on his team was.
     He took a deep breath and looked around the lobby, seeing familiar and unfamiliar faces in the crowd. However two specific ones caught his attention. He knew of them. Who didn't? Dream, a well-known speed runner and great at PVP. The dirty blonde was standing with his group, his mask covering his upper face. Or more specifically, he was talking to Technoblade. Techno, another huge presence in the Minecraft youtube community. He even got the title of the Blood God.
      Holy- they were hot! Grian hadn't seen them in person before, but they looked better here in person then the photos he's seen online.
     He was facing them in the Championship?! Oh god, he was regretting agreeing to participate. Too late now though.

The Championships carried on, going through the games one by one.

[Dream POV]
    He was running with his team in Survival games. They had just encountered the Pink Parrots, and he got a kill before pausing for a moment to eat his golden apple.
He turned around and noticed, seconds before he would be hit, that Grian, a player he had noticed before, was coming at him.
He didn't have time to react, or the health to survive as Grian brought the axe down on him and he was put into spectator mode alongside the particle effect that came with the death.
He followed his team, warning them about Grian, and noticed with a small smile that the small male was actually really good with a bow.
He took out three of his team, and could probably had taken out the fourth if he had noticed her.

[Techno POV]
(A/N, I know this didn't actually happen but for the sake of the story I'm putting it in.)
He had been keeping a close eye on Dreams team, knowing that they'd be dangerous to face. More specifically Dream himself would be a tough match.
He watched from a distance as to he scene played out, a short player by the name of Grian taking out Dream and two of his teammates. It was amusing, surprising. He made a mental note about this, wanting to talk to this Grian at some point. Hopefully right after the tournament ended.

[Grian POV]
     He didn't know quite what was happening in the moment. He just had saw Dream attack and kill Wood, and the defensive part of him, that hadn't surfaced since he left YHS, arose.
   He jumped over the rail, axe in hand and swung it down on the surprised Dream. He had come back to his senses, at least a little, after that, taking off down the alley with the newfound adrenaline. He shot at who he recognized as Dreams teammates after they had come at him, his bow skills coming into play. He had shocked his teammates, but after those three kills he had panicked and got trapped and killed by another team.
     The rest of the tourney was normal,  nothing too surprising or out of the ordinary happening until the end of the games when the teams had all gathered back in the lobby to chat with eachother.
    Grian had been sticking close to his teammates before the two he had noticed in the beginning of the tournament approached him. Dream and Technoblade
     "Hey, Grian, right? You made a really good play there in Survival games, I wasn't expecting it!" Dream complimented, smiling down at the smaller player.
    Techno also smiled at him. "I saw it from afar, and Dream is right. You've got some real skill, up until you panicked."
     Grian wasn't quite sure how to react to this, so he just rubbed the back of his neck, flushed in the cheeks. "Heh, thanks. I don't fight that much, so almost all of that was instinct."
    Dream and Techno both looked surprised. "Are you kidding? That's insane!" Techno commented.
     Grian laughed, a bit nervously but he was getting more comfortable with these two.
   They both had an internal gay panic, that was adorable. This shortie was too. Cute!
     "Thanks... again."
    The three chatted for awhile, learning more about each other.
   Grian paused as he got a message from Iskall saying the group was heading back to hermitcraft, and wondering if he was coming now or staying longer.
   "I've gotta head out now! It was nice chatting with you two!"
   He started to walk off before Dream stopped him with a soft touch on the arm. "Actually, before you go? I was wondering if I could add you to my friend list."
   Techno nodded in agreement to that question.
     Grian was shocked, these two wanted to be his friend? He blinked a few times before pulling up his chat and sending them both a friend request.
     The two beamed and accepted, before Grian had to actually go. The three if them would be smiley for a while after this encounter.

These Gay dorks.

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