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Requested by : KaiPepperMintly

     Dream was estatic when he found out that the three of them were on the same team

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Dream was estatic when he found out that the three of them were on the same team. They had also been paired with Nihachu, which if based upon her last couple times in the event, would drag them down a bit. But nothing too major. Plus, she seemed like she'd be a fun person.
Techno was happy, but he wasn't as energetic about it as Dream was. He was content to just make it known that he was plenty happy to be on the same team and then watch the other two be energetic.
Grian was energetic about it, not nearly as much as Dream, but energetic. He bounced a little every time it was mentioned. He was also nervous that he might drag the team down, but was determined to do his best.

When the day arrived, word was definitely around, abuzz about their team. Alot of "Techno and Dream have some serious downfalls to play with, since Grian and Nihachu are on their team. I don't think they'll win." were spread around. It was a bit disheartening to the two players, but the encouragement from each other, as well as Dream and Techno, lifted their spirits.
The first game had been Skyblockle. They had been heavily targeted since they had both Dream and Techno in their team, but this also had allowed Grian and Niha to push forward while the other teams were watching those two. The first round went really well, they made it into third place before Niha had fallen into the void, Techno had already been killed, and Dream and Grian were left in the center on a small platform with their enemies above them. They had lost due to having no arrows and the other team did. The second round people had begun to notice their strategy, and had paid less attention to Dream and Techno and more on getting to the middle first and getting gear. However that had led Dream and Techno to really make a scene as they killed clustered groups. They ranked second that round. But the third round their strategies were being undermined by the other teams. They'd block off areas the team need to get to, and pay close attention to Dream and Techno. They finished in fifth only due to Grian holding his own for a while until the Border pushed him inwards and he couldn't fight an entire team alone.
Overall in Skyblockle they had finished in third place.
The next game was hole in the wall. Niha had gotten into the upper half before she fell each time. Grian and Techno made it roughly top 20, and Dream was in the top 5 each time.
Next was Parkour Warrior. Dream finished with 2:14 to spare. Grian finished with :45 to spare, he had experience with difficult parkour when he was forced to be a watcher. Techno had finished in sixth place on 8-1. Niha made it to 4-2.
Then TGTTOSAWAF, where Dream and Techno finished in the top two spots. Grian finished in 11th, and Niha unfortunately only finished in 23rd.
Then was Ace Race, Techno and Dream coming in 2nd and 3rd respectively, Grian in 9th, and Niha in 17th
BattleBox was their game, as they got first place with a total score of 8/9 wins. They only lost to Red Rabbits due to them rushing middle and placing blocks rather than trying to go for kills.
BuildMart went better than usual with Grian on their team. He had a very good memory, plus built very fast. They got second only due to the fact that Niha fell off the map several times and had to double back for blocks.
Sands of time was played as the final game, the other teams trying to gain last minute points so that Grian, Dream, Techno and Niha didn't win. They would be facing off against H-bomb and Quig, two very good players when it came to bows, if the current standings remained.
They placed in a tie for 4th, having to unfortunately having to leave pretty earlier than wanted, since they were having a hard time finding sand.

Of course throughout all these games, the boys had definitely been flirting with eachother. Most played it off as jokes, but the fans from the streams were going crazy. They had also figured it was jokes but that didn't stop the teasing comments or mentions of shipping. "Dreamno official?!?", "Techno flirting with Grian???", etc.

Grian was pacing the hub before their dodgebolt match. His nerves had shot sky high.
"Grian, calm down. Your great with a bow. The best of the four of us." Techno said, trying to calm the pacing Hermit.
"What if I let the team down though? We've come so far!"
"You'll do great, bread. Just trust in yourself."
Grian seemed to calm down a bit, and punched Dream in the arm, hard, but playfully. "I'm not bread, blob."
Dream held a hand to his heart. "Grian! You wound me! Techno, back me up!"
Techno looked over from where he had went to look at the scoreboard. "Nah, I agree with Grian, blob."
The chat on all the streams were dying. There were so many comments of "awe", or "RIP Dream", and plenty of ship names flooding the chat.

They took a deep breath as they felt the familiar feeling of being teleported to the next match. They landed in the Dodgebolt arena, looking out st their opponent.
"Everyone, scatter. Stay away from each other as much as possible, and keep your movements completely random. Make it so they can't predict your moves." Dream instructed.
"Who's gonna shoot when the arrows come on our side?" Niha asked.
"Give them to Grian. And if he gets out, give them to Dream." Techno chimed in.
The ball rang and the four teammates scattered, running in any and every direction.
Techno wasn't very good at being unpredictable, and was the first out. With both arrows on their side, the teammates grabbed them and gave them to Grian.
Grian aimed his shot, going for H-bomb, since he was likely going to be the main threat.
The first arrow missed him, but hit his teammate, who happened to be at the wrong place at the wring time, right behind H.
Second Arrow hit its target and the three on Grian's team ran. Techno was cheering from the sidelines, watching as Quig took the arrows and took aim.
One shot, missed. Right pass Grian as he made a sudden 180. Second shot, by Quigs remaining teammate, hit Dream in the shoulder. Grian cursed as he stopped running and went to collect the arrows, Niha meeting him in the center where the arrows spawned.
"You've got this. Just stay calm and keep your aim."
Grian nodded and pulled back the bow. Watching Quig as he ran back and forth, keeping an unpredictable path. He let the arrow go, aiming just before Quig, to where he hoped he would go next.
A hit! Dream and Techno cheered from the sidelines, Dream yelling out "Love you, Bread!" earning an elbow from Techno, although he looked like he wanted to say the same thing. That he very much might've if they weren't streaming.
Grian had gotten distracted from his two boyfriends and missed his shot. He cursed and went back to running. The other team lined up their shot and...
Hit Grian square in the chest. It was a 1v1 now. Nihachu avoided the next shot, much better at dodging and being unpredictable than she was when it came to fighting. Long range or otherwise.
Niha gathered the arrows, and looked over the small field. It had shrunk several times, since it was just two out of the eight players left. She watched his movements, lined up her first shot... and missed. She cursed, and Grian, who and promptly been lifted up by Dream and set on his shoulders once he had spawned on the sidelines, cupped his hands around his mouth. "You've got this Niha! Aim ahead of him!"
Dream and Techno were also cheering her on.
She lines up her second shot, watched his pattern and aimed right ahead of him. Fireworks went off as she hit the other player.
The other matches went pretty similar. Although Grian had become the main target with how good with a bow he was. They won the second round, lost the third, and secured their win on the fourth round.
The four of them stood on the winning platform, the crowns for being the MCC champions resting on their head.
Dream lifted Grian up and spun him around happily. Techno just shook his head and held out a hand to Niha, offering to do the same thing, if only to keep the fact that they were dating a secret and that was just an act of happiness and joy.
Niha accepted, letting Techno spin her around a few times before he set her down again.
Dream took Techno's hand and put their intertwined hands up into the air. Beside him, Techno could see the shorter two teammates doing the same thing.

I'll be honest it was gonna be a lot longer than this when I planned out the outline. But then as I was writing I realized that if I did that it would be over 2000+ words.
I wasn't sure what to do between the time it would take writing that much and the reaction going that far over what I usually have these chapters.
So I tried to do it somewhere in between, having moments I really liked in the outline how I originally planned and the rest more of an overview of how it went.

Also I tried to do my research here but in the end I'm sure I made a lot of mistakes.
Also, again, I apologize if I made anyone too far out of character. I don't watch Nihachu, I just randomly chose her when looking at past contestants. And the rest of the characters are probably at least a bit out of character since I wanted it to line up with how I've made them act in previous chapters.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the longest chapter to date, resulting in 1534 words, not including the A/N

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