Their Past...

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   Songfic! Technically? I based it off of the song above.

    The trio had been hanging out one day, specifically in the garden, when Grian realized something.
   "Hey, you guys know a lot about my past, but I know next to nothing about yours!"
   "Huh, I guess that's true. What do you want to know?" Dream asked.
   Grian shrugged. "Whatever your ready to share with me."
    "Well, I could tell you about my highschool years. That's when Me and Techno met actually."
   "Oh yeah, I forget that we've known eachother for so long." Techno commented from where he sat making Grian a flower crown.
    "Tell me, tell me!" Grian asked, like an energetic kid.
   They call me the kid with a Cardboard Face
     "Well, I wasn't very well liked back then. In fact I was targeted for bullying a lot. Due to my mask, which was made of cardboard at the time, I had gotten the nickname Cardboard Face."
   Pencil a smile, a frown that'd erase
     "Due to the bullying I wasn't very happy. But I tried to play it off, hence the signature smile mask."
     Make me a monster with paper mache
     "The other kids drew on my mask a lot. Their favorite thing to draw was horns and sharp teeth, making me a 'monster'"
    I'm the kid with a cardboard face.
   I drew on a hat with some black sunglasses.
    "Of course I drew on it too. I'd draw sunglasses, or the occasional hat, not that it ever really fit with the way the mask looked."
     A girl took my shades and she sharpied eyelashes.
      "Nobody really liked what I added. The girls really disliked the shades, and often would replace them with sharpie eyelashes."
    A boy took my snapback and burned my hair straight
   "The guys would steal anything they could get their hands on, and were a lot more violent than the girls. Once I even had my hair burned straight because they had claimed I looked bad with it curly."
   I'm the kid with a cardboard face
      "Nobody ever saw my face, so I was pretty recognizable with my degrading "cardboard face" nickname."
     But I met a boy with a porcelain name
       "Around that time is when I met Techno! He really lifted my spirits when I needed it the most."
      Easy to talk to but hard to explain
      "I really enjoyed spending time with him. I could talk to him about anything. On the other hand though I couldn't explain him to anyone who ever asked."
      What do I do when I'm falling for you?
     Grian and Techno both laughed, making Dream's face heat up. God, he had fallen hard for these two.
    The boy with the porcelain name
    Meets a guy with a cardboard face
     "What about you Techno? What were you like at that time?"
     "Well, I often felt like porcelain. My self esteem was fragile, and even without hanging out with Dream, I would get picked on."
     He went to an artist to make him look new
       "I took lots of advice from the popular kids, and completely changed my look. I wanted to look new, to fit in."
   "He wore the most adorable glasses until that happened. Then he switched to contacts." Dream commented.
   Techno hit him in the arm, flushed with embarrassment. "Don't tell him that!"
   "You need glasses?! Oh I bet you'd loom adorable with them!" Grian exclaimed.
     To cover his scars like a shotgun tattoo
     "For awhile during that time I had put on a fake personality as well, to cover the scars that I had gotten in my youth."
      The colors they stayed but then faded away.
      "It worked for awhile, but I found I didn't like keeping up the fake act, and it made me slip."
   "For the record, I never liked the fake you." Dream added.
      Techno gave him a kind smile.
   The boy with the porcelain name.
     But I met a boy with a porcelain name! Easy to talk to but hard to explain.
     "After all that mess me and Dream began to hang out a lot more. I often felt the same way towards him that he felt towards me. Easy to talk to, but hard to explain."
     What do I do when I'm falling for you?
     Grian smiled brightly, and Dream gave him a playful shove. He had no idea how he fell for these two, but it had happened and he was not complaining.
      The boy with a porcelain name, meets a guy with a cardboard face.
     "The porcelain Techno met cardboard Dream." Techno and Dream said simaltaniously, earning a laugh from everyone.
     I met a girl with a porcelain name. Easy to talk to but, hard to explain.
     "Meeting you was definitely a highlight of my life, Techno." Dream commented, making both of them turn a bit pink.
     What do I do when I'm falling for you?
     Grian couldn't help the dorky love-sick smile he had watching those two interact. He fell for them hard, and he was never getting up.
     The boy with the porcelain name, meets a guy with a cardboard face.
     "You two must have been such great friends."
     "We were, but we had gotten separated for a while. i had gone off with the Sleepy Bois Inc. while Dream was with the rest of his Dream Team."
     But I met a boy with a porcelain name! He's easy to talk to! He's hard to explain!
    "But fate led us back together! I had come to yet again meet a boy with a porcelain name! And turns out, he was just as hard to explain as ever!" Dream said, leaning against Techno and draping his arms over his shoulders dramatically.
    What do I do come on Tell me it's True!
    Dream and Techno just sat in comfortable silence, just looking at one another. Grian was there to, they hadn't forgotten that, but it was their little bonding moment on their mind right now.
    The boy with a porcelain name, loves a guy with a cardboard face.
      They may be oblivious to each others attraction to them, but it was pretty obvious from an outside perspective. Grian just smiled as he realized. A porcelain boy loves a guy with a cardboard face. And the feelings were definitely reciprocated.
     It was a bit saddening, because in his mind they had each other, they didn't need him.

   But he wanted them happy, and would support them, even if it was a bit sad for him.

I can't tell if this is fluff or angst. A bit of both? Hope you enjoy it anyway. I added the lyrics in bold so you can associate what part of the song I connected the lines of the story to.

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