1k Special!

1.3K 62 41

This is a thank you to all of you for getting this book to 1k votes! And for getting us so high on the rankings!
We are a bit higher than 1k right now, but you guys are insane with how fast you vote and I couldn't write fast enough!
Also, big thanks to justVibing0 for doing the editing on this chapter while Moon was busy! ((Their the main reason this flows nicely, lol))

Hope you enjoy!

     Grian and Mumbo were, well, to put it simply, fighting. To be honest, it started over something pretty trivial. They were building together and had gotten into a small argument about the design, each had different thoughts on the color scheme and structure of it. However, it quickly turned into a fight as other topics were brought into it and made it so much more heated. 

    Grian had his fists clenched at his sides, yelling at Mumbo, who yelled right back at him. 
   "Just shut up already! I don't want to hear your stupid voice anymore!"
   "Oh please, like yours is any better."
   Insults were thrown back and forth before a specific one hit a little too close to home and made Mumbo snap. He drew his sword, clenching his teeth and anger dancing in his eyes.
    Dream and Techno had come looking for their boyfriend and got drawn towards the fighting by all the yelling. 
   They came just in time to see Mumbo draw his sword and Grian's hands start to spark a little with his watcher magic. It only really happened when he was acting almost entirely on emotion. In this case anger. 

    Techno quickly went over and held Mumbo back, careful to avoid the sword's sharp edge. 
   Dream went to Grian, standing in front of him and blocking his view of Mumbo. "Bread, what's going on?! Why are you two fighting?"
   "It doesn't matter! Just mind your own business." He hissed, not really thinking about anything other than the fury that was directed at Mumbo. 
   "Bread, love. Calm down. I don't know what happened but I'm sure that, whatever it was, it wasn’t meant to intentionally hurt or anger you." Dream said, crouching down a bit to match Grian's height and look him in the eyes. 
    Grian calmed, just a little. "I suppose..." he muttered before the frenzied magic died down. 

 Dream heard a shocked yelp from behind him, coming from Techno. He turned around to see that Mumbo had caught him off guard and knocked him off his feet, now moving to swing at Grian. 
  Dream, in a split-second decision, moved to take the blow instead. 
    A shriek was heard as the hard metal sliced through his porcelain mask, the cover falling to the ground in pieces. Dream had a small cut along where the blade had swiped, but nothing major. 
 Everyone froze. It felt like time had stopped like Dream was standing there for hours instead of the mere seconds he was. 
    What took everyone by surprise weren’t the freckles littered on his cheeks, oh no, it was the fact that one of his eyes was dark amber with a bit of a red tint, the other a stunning emerald green. Right underneath his left eye, the amber one, was a small black X marking. 
    He had dull scars, nothing overly concerning but they were there. One stretched from his cheekbone to his hairline, just narrowly avoiding his eye. Thankfully his new cut wouldn’t scar as the rest for it wasn’t that deep.

   And all at once, time seemed to return to normal. Not that it ever truly stopped. 
    Dream quickly spun on his heel and bolted towards the forest on their right. His boyfriends had reacted swiftly and ran after him, but it proved a rather difficult task to keep up with the unmasked man. He had become pretty damn good at running away after the multiple manhunts. 
    Eventually, they did lose sight of him and had to resort to simply looking around the forest with no real clue to Dream’s whereabouts, occasionally calling out to their boyfriend but no answer ever came.

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