Surprise? 1/3

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When Xisuma and Scar had decided to hang out together neither had any filming plans for the day, so they were not expecting to stumble across this wholesome scene. 

    X smiled, looking out across the small field of colorful flowers at the two beings who were fast asleep in the center of it. Scar was beside him, totally not taking photos. 
    From the looks of it, Grian had fallen asleep against Techno while making a flower crown, which was now set aside, half-finished. 
   Techno must have fallen asleep at some point after that because they were now both laying down in the flowers, Grian cuddled up against his side. 
   "Now that's just cute." Scar commented quietly, referring to the two sleeping players. 
   "I must agree. Although, while Grian has always had clingy friends, this seems a bit more than that, right?"
    Scar shrugged, putting away his communicator, which he had NOT used to take photos. "He fell asleep like this with Mumbo once, I believe. It might just be a Grian thing."
   "Hm, I suppose you’re right. Anyways, we should head out. I dunno about Technoblade but Grian has been working himself to the bone and deserves a bit of rest."
   Scar nodded in agreement, and the two flew off, heading to the Shopping District to see what's new.

   Keralis and Tango were in the Shopping District a few days later. They weren't really doing much, just walking around and talking about whatever came to mind. Turns out they weren't the only ones, as they turned the corner to see Grian and Dream. 
    "Looks like Grian is having fun." Tango commented, noticing the big smile on the small hermits’ face. 
   "Yeah. He always has a smile around Dream. Techno too, although I don't see them as much."
   Grian laughed at something Dream said, catching the two's attention once more.
    "Huh, I don't think I've seen him laugh so openly before. He usually tries to hide it behind his hand or something."
    "Maybe it's Dream's influence?"
    "Huh. That's probably true. They do seem to be awful close.."
     "Let's leave them be. Do you want to come see the progress I've made on my base?" 
     With a nod from Keralis, Tango and him headed off, although not without some suspicions brewing in the back of their minds about their fellow hermit and his close friend. 

     The next time someone had gotten suspicious of the relationship between Grian and one of his newer friends, was more on a larger scale. 
    Ren had noticed that the HEP had made quite a mistake, and was calling an emergency meeting to have the Mycelium Resistance take advantage of that. 
   He noticed momentarily that Grian was with Techno, but he didn't really think much of that. Not until he actually called the meeting. 
    The members of the Resistance who were online dropped from the ceiling onto their respective chairs. Seems Etho fixed the issues that happened last time. 
   However in Grian's case it went just a bit different. When he fell from the ceiling, he landed on Techno's lap. At some point in between when Ren saw them wandering around the base to when he called the meeting, Techno had taken a seat in Grian's chair. 
   Grian laughed joyfully, and it was definitely contagious as most of the room joined him. 
   "At least it was a soft landing!" Jevin chimed in, referring to how he had fallen much harder the first time when the emergency drop glitched. 
    Grian chuckled and leaned back against Techno, who just wrapped his arms around Grian’s waist. "Anyway, why did you call the meeting, Ren?"
   The other members exchanged a look of confusion and suspicion. "Aren't you gonna get off Techno's lap?" Etho asked. 
    Techno just held Grian closer, and the small hermit smiled and shrugged. "Nah, I'm good. Plus, I don't think that's an option." He replied, motioning to the arms around his waist holding him. 
   So the meeting went on with Grian sitting on Techno's lap. Afterwards a couple of the members met up. 
   "So, what do you think that was with Grian during the meeting?" Ren asked, curious about the others' thoughts on the matter. 
  "I think he might be dating Techno. They do seem awfully close." Etho chimed in. 
   Jevin gasped. "That actually makes perfect sense! Not to mention they'd be super cute together!"
    Ren chuckled at Jevin’s enthusiasm. "Well, we won't know for sure unless we approach him about it."
   The three who were gathered stayed silent for a moment. "Let's talk to X, he's pretty good at knowing when to stay out of people's privacy and when it's okay to, well, butt in." Jevin replied, earning nods from the others. 

    So that's where the three were at now, standing in front of X's base as the admin just looked at them in confusion. 
   "Why'd you come to me? I don't know anything about whether Grian is dating Techno or not."
   Jevin sighed. "We wanted to know if we should approach him or not, X."
   "I mean, why not? It's just a question."
   Ren nodded. "Okay then! C'mon you three, let's go find Grian!"
   X stuttered a little as Ren took his wrist and dragged him along with the small group. "Why am I coming along?!"
    "To take the fall if this goes poorly!" Ren admitted with a smile, earning a chuckle out of the rest of the group.
    They found Grian in front of his base, currently yelling at both Dream and Techno, who had taken his Elytra and led him into the pit he had made from one of the mansions. Speaking of which, he really needed to get the other side done. It looked out of place with the rest of the build being symmetrical.
   "Dream! Techno! Give me my Elytra back!"
   "You can have it if you come get it!" Dream called down to him with a chuckle. 
    Ren gave a mischievous smile to the other hermits behind him. They knew this look…. 
    The dog walked up behind the two and pushed them both over the edge into the pit with Grian. 
   "Hah! Not so fun being the one in the pit, is it?" Grian said, standing overtop of his boyfriends. 
   "Rendog, you're the next target!" Techno called up to him, referring to how he'd randomly kill a hermit in the middle of nowhere. Of course he'd leave their stuff in a chest but it was always rather annoying to have to return to what you were doing at that moment from wherever your spawn was at. 
  "Worth it!" Ren replied. 
    Grian smirked, looking down at his boyfriends who were yet to stand up for the ground. They barely had a moment to question the look before he flopped down on top of them with a giggle. 
   "Ow-" Dream commented, although he smiled and gave Grian a peck on the cheek. 
     If asked, he would absolutely refuse the fact that he forgot the hermits were still there. But he absolutely did. 
    Grian rolled his eyes and returned the kiss, before turning and giving a matching one to Techno. 
     "Wait- wait what? Now I'm lost, who's he dating?" Etho commented from beside Ren at the top of the pit. 
    The Greamno trio all exchanged a look, Grian going quite red while his boyfriends just shrugged and held him close. It was bound to come out sooner or later anyway. 
    So they all sat down in the Shopping District, and a few more who were online showed up too. Mumbo, Scar, and False were the only others online, so it was a small group. 
   "So, you said you had something to explain?" False asked, swinging her feet mindlessly as she waited for Grian to say his announcement. 
  "Well, I have been keeping something from you guys, and I think it's about time I tell you."
    Mumbo raised a curious eyebrow. "What is it?"
   Grian couldn't help the smile as he took Dream and Techno’s hands, who each gave him a small squeeze for support. "I'm actually dating Dream and Techno."
    "Congrats, Grian!" False replied with a bright smile. Of course, there was a bit of confusion too. 
    "Both of them?"
    "Yeah. It's a poly relationship. I'm sorry I kept this from you, but I wasn't quite ready to share until now."
    Mumbo chuckled a little. "Well, to be fair you weren't exactly being very secretive about it either. Remember the redstone incident?"
   Grian flushed and buried his face in his hands, earning laughs from everyone else, even those who had no idea what he was referring to. 
   "What's the 'redstone Incident'?" Scar asked when he calmed down and stopped laughing. 
   "Grian was trying to do redstone and invited me over to help. Although very shortly after I arrived Dream showed up to cuddle with Grian. While I worked on the redstone, Grian was trapped on the floor in Dream's embrace."
   Another round of laughs. 
   "You already knew, and I wanted cuddles. I had nothing to lose!" Dream said with a small shrug, earning a playful shove from Grian. 
   "Except two hours of a time-lapse because I couldn't show you in the video."

   A few hours they had logged off Hermitcraft and were back on their own server. Techno sat on the counter while Grian was cooking. Dream had left momentarily before coming back into the room. 
   "So now the hermits know about us."
   "Indeed they do." Techno replied
   "Who else are we gonna tell?"
   Grian brushed himself off before going over and leaning up against Dream. "I'm comfortable telling anyone you want."
   Techno hummed. "We should probably tell the rest of the Sleepy Bois, they're basically my family at this point."
   "The rest of the members of the SMP should probably know too, since we are around them a lot."
   Grian hummed. "Well then. Who's next?"

Once again, special thanks to JuvanaMoon and Justvibing for helping me! Next chapter will be a continuation of this, where they tell the next group about their dating situation!

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