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You guys want Angst? Well, you're gonna get it!

^^I would tag these two but I've tried four times and each time Wattpad crashes, so I'll try again at a different time

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^^I would tag these two but I've tried four times and each time Wattpad crashes, so I'll try again at a different time.

TW : Mentions of past Abuse, Mentions of Murder, Panic Attack, Cursing
If there is anything I forgot, please tell me.

   Grian knew that it was bound to happen eventually. It was only a matter of time. But that didn't make it any easier when the day came.
   It was a pretty peaceful day on the DreamSMP, all things considered. Grian was online, messing around with Techno and Dream. Wilbur and Tommy were busy doing... whatever they were up to, and Bad was always pretty non-chaotic. So overall, pretty peaceful!
   But it didn't last.

   BadboyHalo : Dream? If you white list someone new, you should really start telling us. First Grian, then Mumbo, now this guy?
   Dream : I didn't whitelist anyone??
  TommyInnit : What are you talking about Bad? It doesn't say anyone new on the player list.
   BadboyHalo : Dream, come to spawn.

   Dream frowned as he looked over at his two boyfriends. Grian was trying to attract pig line over to attack Techno, but they had no interest in him, seeing as he was partially piglin himself.
   "Guys? We gotta head to spawn, Bad says something's up." Dream called over to the two.
   They paused what they were doing and went over. "Like a glitch? Those usually go away on their own, right?"
   "I guess it could be a glitch, but it sounds a lot like the one that brought me and Techno to hermitcraft way back when."
   "Oh? Then let's go see who's shown up." Techno said, pulling out the lodestone compass to see which direction the nether portal was in.
    It didn't take long for the three to arrive at spawn. But by the time they did everyone else online had gathered.
   "Give him some space you muffins! He's probably really confused!" Bad chastised as Tommy was basically hovering over the new person. Tubbo,  who had logged on in the midst of this chaos, was standing beside Tommy, doing something very similar.
   "Bad's right, back up you two." Dream called as he walked up.
   Tubbo and Tommy exchanged a look before backing up. Tommy stuck out his tounge at Dream, bur he didn't get a reaction back.
    At first glance, nothing seemed odd about the newbie. A simple guy with just a white hoodie and some blue jeans. But looking just a little closer you'd notice that his hair was a mess, unkept in a long while. His hoodie seemed to have dark stains on it from... something that was never fully removed.
   When he flicked his gaze up to look at the three coming towards him, he visably lit up. But it didn't seem like it was in anyway good.
   Grian stumbled back several steps, his eyes wide with panic as he recalled memories of this individual.
   "Gree-on! It's been so~ long!" he drawled.
   "Stay the fuck back, Sam. D-Dont come anywhere near me" Grian said, trying to sound intimidating.
   Dream and Techno scowled, not sure what was happening but not liking the fact that Grian was upset enough to curse.
    Sam stood up off the ground, holding his arms out. "Aw, cmon Gre-on! Aren't you excited to see your old friend?"
   "You lost my friendship the moment you murdered Taurtis" Grian snapped.
   Sam's expression darkened. "Your the reason he died, don't act all innocent."
   The rest of the bystanders were very confused. Why does it matter if he killed someone? They just respawn?
    "Even if it was, how does that justify any of the things you did to me afterwards?! You tried to kill me, Sam!"
    "Trading one life for anothers. With your blood spilt, Taurtis will return!"
    "Taurtis is dead, Sam! He's not coming back!" Grian screamed, tears running down his face.
     "Grian, calm down, please explain what's happening!" Techno asked, taking his boyfriends hand and using his freehand to wipe away the small male's tears.
     "The world I was in... The one before EVO," Grian began shakily. "It was a highschool server. One set to hardcore. It was my first server too, so it scarred me bad."
   "What happened?" Dream asked.
   "Sam... He was a close friend of mine. Him and Taur-Taurtis. But... He snapped. I don't know when or what happened, but he did. He killed Taurtis. Killed so many people. And when he found me, he forced me to pretend to be Taurtis. Made me do things that nobody should have to do. It was pure abuse." Grian stumbled over words, his voice ridden with sadness.
   "Oh don't play the victim Gre-on. We both know that you're at fault! I didn't "abuse" you. And I didn't kill Taurtis. Making you pretend to be him was a coping mechanism, and it didn't last that long." Sam scoffed.
   "You've still got the goddamn bloodstains on your hoodie, Sam!"
   That shut Sam up. For a second, before he drew a knife. One that Grian recognized. One that sent him into a full blown panic attack. The knife he used to kill everyone on YHS.
   "Grian? Grain, talk to me!" Techno pleaded as Grian began to hyperventilate, holding a hand to his heart. Bad rushed over to head while Dream drew his sword.
   "I've been waiting for a long time for this, Gre-on. I'll get Taurtis back." Sam said, his voice dark. He rushed forward, aiming to stab Grian. He was promptly blocked and thrown to the ground by Dream, though.
  "Who the fuck do you think you are?! I should kill you here and now!"
   Sam snarled and swung at Dream, catching the side of his arm and drawing a hiss of pain from Dream.
   "You protect him? Fine. Then you become a target too." Sam snarled, throwing Dream off him and jumping to his feet.
    Dream, however, was not only an expert at PVP but was dating the Technoblade. The Blood God. The #1 PVPer.
   He knew the tricks, as he rolled on back onto his feet, blocking another strike as Sam attacked.
   Meanwhile Bad and Techno were desperately trying to calm down Grian.
    His vision was tunneled, not that he was registering anything that he was seeing. His hearing was mainly gone, replaced with a irritating ringing. His senses were overwhelmed. He could only focus on those terrible memories.
    He couldn't breathe. He felt like he was dying.
    But the touch was grounding. He could barely hear Techno, he couldn't hear bad. He could see Techno, but it wasn't registering. But his touch was grounding, as he held his hand. As Techno ran his thumb across his creeks, casting away tears.
   Slowly, the panic faded. He could hear, and he could comprehend the comfort that Techno was giving him. That Bad was helping to give.

   Dream killed Sam. He only really lost a few hearts in the fight, and those were just from scratches. Other than a deep gash on his leg, but now was not the time to worry about it.
   He hoped that Sam had been sent back to whatever Hell he came from.
   He turned back to see his boyfriends in each other's arms, Grian looking half asleep. Techno looked extremely relieved as he held Grian close.
   He sat down beside them. "Sam is gone. I killed him. And I will so many times over again if I see him ever again."
    Grian pulled Dream down to lay in Techno's lap with him. "I love you" he murmered sleepily.
   Bad was the only one close enough o hear what he said, and just gave a smile to the three.

So here's your daily dose of Angst! I've or another request that I'm gonna do, so that'll be out soon. Like, today or tomorrow soon. (( Make that many, you guys are so creative! ))

I've got so much energy- and I don't think the soda is helping to calm that energy, lol.

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