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    Fear... an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
    A very common thing, it is. Everyone has at least one. It takes courage to face them. To overcome your fears.
  However, with support it seems to become much less of a challenge to overcome.

     When Dream had gotten an invitation for a challenge, he didn't think twice. He was always up for one.
   However, in hindsight, it should have been a warning sign that the invitation wasn't sin. That it didn't specify what the challenge was.
    Either way, Dream accepted, and brought along Grian and Techno. It was meant to be just to watch him, to show off.
   He didn't mean for any of this to happen.

    Dream was holding onto the railing so tightly his knuckles were white. The three of them stood on a very tall platform, up to the build height limit. The only way down being vines.
   Dream was terrified of heights. The fear that he might fall was overwhelming. With the Elytra it diminished a little due to knowing he could open it and stop falling. When it was on shorter heights, like treetops, he could ignore it, not looking down or hyper-focusing on whatever he was doing to.
    But when the only reasonable thing to do was to look down, to climb down, he couldn't ignore it. He couldn't even see the ground!
     Grian stood beside him, very confused as Techno tried to calm Dream.
   "Dream, Dream calm down. You're okay, you won't fall, I promise." Techno said, setting a hand overtop of Dream's.
   "I can't even see the ground, Techno... We're so high!" He said, gripping the railing tightly.
   "I know, I know. We can climb down and get back on the ground though!"
   "We'll fall!"
   "Is he afraid of heights?" Grian asked, speaking up for the first time since they spawned up on this platform.
    "Very much so."
    "It's a very rational fear!"
    "But you've used an an Elytra before?"
    "I don't have one now!" Dream panicked.
    Techno ran a hand through his hair. "Dream, we have to get down. I promise you won't fall."
   "You can't gaurentee that!"
   "I can." Grian said, softly, but enough to be heard. Techno and Dream both looked at him curiously.
   He hesitantly awoke his watcher magic, more specifically letting his wings show.
    "We might not have Elytra's, but I've got wings. I can fly by your side and promise you won't fall. Even if you do, I'd catch you."
   "That's brilliant, Grian!" Techno exclaimed.
   "I... I guess I can try, if you're by my side, Grain." Dream agreed hesitantly.
   "I'll be right below you too, Dream. You can do this, I know you can." Techno promised, kissing Dream before beginning down the vines that... hopefully led to the ground.
     Grian gave Dream a tight hug before stepping off the platform to start flying. "Whenever your ready, love."
    Dream took a deep, shaky breath as he started down the vines, carefully placing his feet in footholds and having a tight grip with his hands.
    At a few points he got scared enough he straight out stopped climbing down and just clung to the vines. Grian had to get Techno to climb back up and coax him down, too worried to get close enough himself without causing the vines to rock and scaring Dream worse.
    When Dream finally got his feet on the ground, he basically collapsed to his knees. "Oh thank Notch, I'm never doing that again!"
    Grian landed and walked over to him, kissing his forehead. "I'll do my best to make sure you don't have to."
    Techno nodded as he climbed down off the vines. "That goes for me too, Dream."

    Grian stumbled several steps backwards when a letter appeared quite literally out of nowhere. It appeared in his face nonetheless.
   He frowned and opened it, revealing only two words. Your turn.
    "What's that meant to mean?" Grian asked, having read the letter aloud.
   His boyfriends both shrugged, moments before the ground beneath their feet turned to deep water.
    Grian had immediately began to panic, clinging onto Dreams arm tightly. He kept muttering curses under his breath.
    "Oh god. Grian, it's okay. You don't have to worry. Why are you afraid??" Dream asked, treading enough water to keep the both if them afloat.
    "I do not want to drown, thank you very much! Nor do I want to see you two go under! I've already lost someone close to me due to drowning." The last part was quiet.
     Techno and Dream were a bit confused, but were trying their best to calm him. "Hey, you won't go under, and neither will we. Let's find some land, why don't we?"
     "Please." Grian said, his voice being slightly enhanced in a way that watchers would use to mask their voice. He must have accidentally used it in his panic.
    Dream and Techno started swimming in a random direction, Grian beside them, much slower than the other two due to his panic, but they were going slow enough he didn't lag behind.
    It took a while, and several stops to prevent Grian from having a panic attack in the middle of the water. But they eventually made it, with Grian laying on the sand soaking in the sun.
The three if them were drenched in the cold water, and honestly were just hoping they didn't get sick from it.
    "I'm proud of you Grian. You faced your fear." Techno said, pressing a kiss to his small boyfriends lips.
    Grian melted into the kiss, before laying against his chest. "I'm more proud of you, Dream. You did so much better than I did when you faced yours."
   Dream waved off the comment and sat down beside Grian. "I couldn't have done it without you. And you're not giving yourself enough credit."

    They just cuddled in silent for a couple minutes before another dreaded letter appeared. The three exchanged a look before Dream the the letter into the water, effectively ruining it.
   But another just appeared in its place.
   Techno groaned and opened the letter.
   "You're last test. Have fun~"
    "What could they possibly do now? They've already tried to kill us twice, once by the insane height, and the second by attempting to drown us." Dream asked, holding Grian in his lap.
    Techno paused. "They weren't trying to kill us."
   "They're using our fears against us. Your afraid of heights. Grian is afraid of drowning."
    Dream and Grian exchanged a look. "Then, you're the only one who hasn't had a fear used against you..."
    Techno chuckled as he set aside the letter. "Oh, I'm sure that this last test their speaking of is my challenge."
   His theory was proven true as his vision blurted before going completely dark. "Yeah, figures." Techno muttered, beginning to unbraid his hair in a small calming motion.
    "What? I don't see anything different?" Grian asked, tilting his head to the side, confused.
   "My fear isn't as... extreme as you two. I'm afraid of losing my sight." Techno admitted, his hair slowly becoming unbraided.
    "You don't seem to be as effected by your fear as we were" Dream pointed out.
   "I've learned to mainly block out fear. I don't experience it to the full extent like most people."
   "Lucky." his boyfriends said at the same time.
    Techno laughed and tied his hair up into a messy ponytail before holding his hands out blindly for his boyfriends to take. They each took one.
   "I love you two so much. I think we could overcome just about anything as long as we are together."
   Grian climbed over onto his lap and Dream went to sit beside him, laying his head against Techno's shoulder. "We love you two."

    A yelp of surprise came from Grian, and a jump from Dream. Techno didn't react, since he was blind currently and couldnt see the bright light that was coming from wherever the three of them made skin contact.
   Slowly, as the light faded, Techno regained his sight. He blinked a few times. "Well that was quicker than the other two times." he said, earning a laugh from his boyfriends.
    A final letter appeared, and the trio sighed, having already learned that they wouldn't be able to get rid of it. Grian grabbed it and opened it.
    "You're no fun, Techno. Anyway, that's all I've got for you lovebirds, the log-off tab is now unlocked. But be prepared, I'm not done yet. ~🌀"

   The trio frowned, but did not want to stay any longer. So they immediately took he opportunity to log off, leaving the letter with the mysterious signature behind.

    Bonus Scene

  The sun had fallen when the letter had next been touched. A figure cloaked completely cloaked in black came and retrieved the letter from the ground, a dark smirk on their face. "I'm not done with you yet..." They said in a deep voice.

Oooh, who could the mysterious person be? Well, let's just say this won't be the last you'll be seeing of them. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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