His "Hackers"

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    Dream and Techno were bored, to out it simply. They didn't have anything planned, and everyone they knew had something or another going on. And to top it off, Grian was in Hermitcraft today!
    "I miss Grian." Dream commented, falling back onto the couch dramatically.
    Techno rolled his eyes with a smile from where he was sitting, sharpening a sword. "I do too, but it is a Hermitcraft day."
   "I wish we could join him on Hermitcraft, we don't see him enough~!"
    Techno set aside the sword and walked over to Dream, leaning overtop of him. "The only time we don't see him is when he's on Hermitcraft."
    "I know~! It's like we never see him!" Dream said, smiling.
    Techno just shook his head with a smile himself. "You're hopeless, Dream."
    "I know, darling." Dream replied, pulling Techno down onto his chest.
    Techno huffed a little, but cuddled up to his taller boyfriend. Not that he'd ever admit that, considering he wears heels to match Dream's height 24/7.
    They had laid there for awhile before Bad had called.
    "Dream! Glad you picked up! Me and Skeppy were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us!"
    Dream suddenly sat up, shocking Techno as he fell off the male's lap with a "Hey!"
    "Bad, you said Skeppy is constantly getting into places he shouldn't be able to, right?"
    "Uh, yeah. He breaks into my streams all the time despite how many times I ban him during them."
     Dream turned to Techno with a mischievous smile. "Do you think he'd be willing to help me and Techno with something?"

] [ ] [

Grian wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary today. He planned some building, meeting up with Mumbo and Iskall to hang out for a bit, and then if he got around to it working on the new base for the Mycelium Resistance.
   What he wasn't expecting was for his two boyfriends to basically kidnap him in the middle of chatting with Mumbo and Iskall.
   "Wha- Techno?? Dream???" Grain asked, completely caught off guard. There was never even a message saying they logged on!
   "Yes, my prince?" Techno asked, holding Grian bridal style as they ran through the nether hub.
    "How are you guys even on the server?!"
    "Thank Skeppy! Although now we owe him because we wouldn't tell him why we wanted to break into Hermitcraft." Dream said.
     Grian couldn't help a laugh. "You two hacked your way into the server to steal me from my friends?"
    "Yes!" They both exclaimed happily.
     Grian's communicator went off and upon pulling up the chat window he saw the messages his friends were sending.

    Mumbo_Jumbo : Wha-?
    Iskall85 : They stole Grian!
    GoodTimesWithScar : ??
    FalseSymmetry : Who?
    Iskall85 : Dream and Technoblade
    Mumbo_Jumbo : When were they whitelisted?
    Xisumavoid : They weren't
    FalseSymmetry : Then how are they online?
    Iskall85 : Can we focus on getting Grian back???
    Xisumavoid : I'm trying to figure that out.
    Mumbo_Jumbo : Dream, Techno, return Grian!
    Dream : Nope! He's ours now!

Grian looked up at Dream, who had his communicator in one hand. He looked over and winked at Grian.
   Grian rolled his eyes. "I can walk, you know."
    "Our Prince shouldn't have to!" Techno commented, pausing for just a moment to kiss Grian's forehead before continuing on. "Where's your portal?"
    Grian pointed left, and the two started running that way. "Wait-!" He started, but they didn't hesitate to jump in the portal...
    And start falling many feet from the ground, since Grian has yet to finish his portal design.
   Grian reacted quickly, pulling away from Techno just going enough to open his Elytra and spam some rockets. He grabbed his boyfriends and landed them safely, although not without some scrapes.
    "You two are extremely reckless." He commented, kneeling down beside the two who had fell over.
   "Yea we are, thank you for noticing."
Grian rolled his eyes and pulled out his communicator again.
   GoodTimesWithScar : Where are they now?
   Iskall85 : I don't know, we lost them when they got into the Nether Base
    FalseSymmetry : Why did they even take Grian??
   Mumbo_Jumbo : I've got an idea why, but I'm not sharing.
   FalseSymmetry : Aw, cmon Mumbo!
   Xisumavoid : I found their code, kicking them from the server now.

Grian looked up in time to see his boyfriend a exchange a look before being forcefully disconnected.

     Grian : Their gone now ;-;
     GoodTimesWithScar : Why the sad face? They just kidnapped you.
     Grian : They brought me back to my base, fyi
     FalseSymmetry : You ignored the question Grian.
Grian chuckled before he heard the familiar sound of a player logging in. Or rather, two players.
    "You two just got kicked, how are you back??"
     "Again, Thank Skeppy." Dream replied, crawling over to cuddle up beside Grian.

   Grian : Help
   Mumbo_Jumbo : What mess did you get yourself into?
   Grian : He's trapped me
   FalseSymmetry : What? Who trapped you?
   Grian : Correction, they've both trapped me now.
   Mumbo_Jumbo : Oh, I see
   Iskall84 : ???
   Xisumavoid : How are they back?!? I just kicked them and they aren't white listed???
   Grian : Skeppy apparently
   Iskall : Dream, Techno! Return Grian!
  TechnoBlade : Mine
  Dream : Ours*
  Mumbo_Jumbo : I just want Grian back
  Grian : I don't think that will be happening anytime soon.

  Dream has disconnected
  TechnoBlade has disconnected
  Mumbo_Jumbo : Are they gone?
  Grian : Yes
  Grian : No.
  Dream : You won't be rid of us that easily.
   Xisumavoid : How????
  Technoblade : That information is on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know.
   Xisumavoid : Yes I do
  Mumbo_Jumbo : You three have two other servers together, why have you two decided to invade Hermitcraft?
  Technoblade : No you don't
  Dream : Grian
  Iskall84 : That's... Not an answer?
  Xisumavoid : Yes I do
  Technoblade : No you don't.
  Joehills has logged on
  FalseSymmetry : This is a mess...
  Dream : Yes it is, and a great answer too.
  Joehills : So this is what X meant by he had uninvited players online
Technoblade : No you don't
   Grian : Hi Joe!
   Joehills : You don't seem to concerned, Grian.
   Xisumavoid : Yes I do
  Grian : I've been kidnapped
  Technoblade has disconnected
  Dream has disconnected

  Joehills : That doesn't sound good, why aren't you concerned? Well, either way their gone now.
  Grian : Just wait.
  Technoblade : No you don't.
   Joehills : ????
  Xisumavoid : HOW???

Grian laid his head against Techno, who had joined the cuddling about two disconnections ago.
   "You two are lucky nobody was streaming right now." he commented.
    Dream and Techno exchanged a look. "Oh yeah, we didn't think about that part."
    Grian laughed as he cuddled up to the two. "Of course you didn't."

   Joehills : They aren't even on the whitelist?
  GoodTimesWithScar : We've already covered that base, Joe
  Xisumavoid : They can't be kicked without just rejoining shortly after ;-;
  Mumbo_Jumbo : This has interrupted everyone's videos, lol. At least it will be easy to cut out.
   FalseSymmetry : True, but why don't we just leave it in? It'd make for some funny content.
   Dream : Nope, our fans aren't allowed to know we were on the server
   Iskall85 : Can we have Grian back?
   Technoblade : No
   Dream : No
   Grian : This is just my life now.

So yeah, that was something that happened. Most of the rest of there time on the server was just them arguing about Grian, or about Dream and Techno refusing to explain how they managed to log into the server without being whitelisted.
   Eventually Joe and X just gave up and let them be.
   Grian didn't get any more recording done that day....

Bonus Scene!!!!

   Grian stuck his tounge out as Techno was carrying him yet again. Although this time they were running from Iskall, who was chasing the three. And Grian was draped over Techno's shoulder, facing Dream and the far-away Iskall. "Have we not been over the fact that I can walk?"
  Dream gave him a flirty smile and a wink. "Have we not said you shouldn't have to?"
  Grian couldn't help the blush that came over his cheeks as he tried to desperately cover it. "Damn you, Dream. Being all hot like that. And that goes for you too Techno! I hate you."
  Techno chuckled. "No you don't."
  Grian pouted a little. "No I don't."

1332 words, hope it you enjoyed! Now what option is next?

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