Oh Baby [Part 3]

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     Watchers are well known to other species as revoked and harsh.

 They never have shown any amount of empathy or general kindness towards anyone outside of their own group- unless you've somehow managed to gain their respect, which is not only extremely hard but considered taboo amongst the Watchers. 

   The first interaction they had with the Gods and Goddesses, it nearly ended in a war. Struggles for power and overall control over the "lesser beings," mortals- players, caused fighting amongst the two. Each side was brutal with their points of view, and neither were willing to back down from a challenge against their beliefs. 
  They have a sort of mutual relationship with the players. As long as the mortals respect the little things they do for them, the Watchers will allow them to live in peace and continue to support the worlds they live in. However, defy their wishes and the server will crash- and that's the best-case scenario. EVO was marked as history for its violent scene after disobeying the Watchers, and continued interaction with the illusive ꖎ╎ᓭℸ ̣ ᒷリᒷ∷ᓭ.

    A helpful tip to the wise; the best way to deal with these beings is to not to. On the off chance you must, it's recommended to provide them with respect and a general trust of no harm. 

   The trio had a bit of a morning routine when they slept together. Techno would always wake first, tangled under a mess of limbs and feathers from his boyfriends. The piglin would attempt– emphasis on attempt– to wake at least one of his partners with little success and end up laying in bed with them until Dream woke up, usually about half hour after Techno’s first attempt to wake him.
   They'd climb out of bed, cover Grian in blankets that would inevitably be messy by the time they came to change out of their pajamas, and head out to the kitchen. Making breakfast, only marginally able to make something good between the two of them. Eventually the smell of breakfast would draw out a sleepy Grian who would cling to whichever boyfriend was closer while the other finished up breakfast before they continued with their day.

  Yeah. That didn't happen today.

  Today, the first to awake was Grian, awoken by the feeling of small hands pulling on his wings and hair. With a small groan of discomfort and annoyance of being woken up, he opened his eyes to see the small pinkette laying on Techno's chest, pretty much exactly where she was left last night. However, instead of peacefully sleeping against the warmth of the piglin, she was babbling to herself, chewing on her fingers as she used her other hand to tug on anything within reach. At the moment, what happened to be in reach was Grian's wings.
 The brunette sat up, picking up the baby and holding her away from his wings as she tugged again. "No, no. No yanking on the wings, little one."
   She pouted her lower lip and babbled idly, reaching again for the wings on Grian's back. When discovering she couldn't reach the wings– which were carefully pressed against his back in a way that meant she couldn't reach them– she resorted to pulling on his hair.

   "No- Ow- Why are you pulling on my hair?? Selene!"
   The baby giggled, using the hand not wrapped in brown locks to pat the older's face– not necessarily being gentle, but she didn't have enough strength for it to hurt either.
    Grian chuckled and worked on prying the baby's hand out of his hair. "You find this amusing, don't you? My little trouble maker. No- not Techno's hair either!" he exclaimed, the baby flopping herself directly onto Techno's chest as she lunged for the long pink hair.
  Said pinkette woke with a start, and a grunt as the small weight put direct pressure onto his lungs. With tired eyes, he looked at the smiling baby who had her head laid on his chest, looking like the epitome of innocence. "Definitely Grian's kid. '' he muttered to himself, before being playfully hit with a pillow with said boyfriend– who he hadn't realized was awake.
"Hey! For your information, I saved you from an early session of balding due to baby hands ripping out your hair." He huffed, laying down beside the two as Techno pulled the pillow off his face.
   "I see. I see. You've saved my precious hair from the little gremlin," Techno replied, playfully sticking his tongue out at the baby, who curiously repeated the motion back to him. It didn't last long before the baby had grabbed Techno's hand and was chewing on it- thankfully, Selene didn’t have any teeth yet.

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