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This year my parents decided to separated, for the reason that I can't answer yet.
In recent years I've heard them arguing all the time,

Sometimes my father doesn't came home for a few months, and when we find out the reason , supposedly because of business...

Our parents called us for an in depth conversation.
First they explained their situation today,
That they could no longer be together, although they did not mention any reason.

Our parents raised us to be open minded, always reminding us that before we judge,
We must first find out the truth and if we have a decision, we must stand up.

We respect our parents decision,we already noticed that and with out questioning I and my sister supported them .

Our parents also love us ,they gave everything we want ,they always our side specially when they know that I had a gender of bisexual .

We belong to a rich family ,my father had also some business here in Korea ,and my mother was a haft Korean and Chinese and her family had owned business in China .

My mother decided to went home ,her owned country which it China .
My parents asked us who wanted to go with my Mother to her country.

My sister said first, She will go with our father ,because she prefers to stay in Korea and my sister is Papa's girl.

I was hesitant when they  asked me , because I both love them and miss them, but I think I want to find that person that I miss ,in that Place in China .

Our parents promised that nothing will change in our lifestyle, we can go to Korea and China anytime, to visit any of them,and had a family together us usual.

My first day at the university of BEIJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY OR BNU.with the  course BUSINESS MARKETING .
Because I was new here and I'm not familiar I like to hang out in the canteen of the school,sipping coffee or eating and sometimes reading books.

I am a foreigner in this country and they are isolated because they think I can't speak their language,which is wrong .
I know how to speak Chinese language ,because my mother teached us ,my sister ..

I'm also used to being alone, in fact even when I was in Korea I have only 3 friend,my cousin Hyunbin, Namjoun and Taehyung ,

I suddenly flashback  came  one year ago ,I met my first love.and
this person I want to find in this Place.

Because I like to drink coffee in different flavors, so I found this coffee shop, I met here one of the managers into it, His name Namjoun, I also know his nephew ,Taehyung and also became friend.his very
Intelligent child, industrious, and handsome man.I told Namjoun that many women will cry for him.

I told Namjoun that many women will cry for him

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I also went to them more often. Until one day I saw a new companion with them in the cafeteria,
I was amazed at how it looked, His smiles, How nice to look at, The lips with moles ,, high noses, and with large eyes and fluffy
The complexion  it looks like a rosy porcelain , and if you dress Of women's clothes its stunning.

The Black Bunny And The Angry  Lion (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now