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Back in my thoughts,

For about a month ,alone here eating at canteen
I always smiled while looking at the picture of my love ,his really cute I stalked his social media ,save his picture ,look at him Everytime I feel lonely.

Namjoun gave Zhan social media account to me ,but I'm still afraid to chat him ,and confessed,I stalked him used my other account to know his everyday life but later his account found block ,

I don't know what happened to his social media account.

I feel worried ,and even thinking of maybe he traced me and block my account.

sometimes I feel pity for myself.but after a while I miss him,again look at his picture that I save ,and smiled.

For about a week.
I noticed a person, with stoic face, snubbished, but handsome had manly body, it looks bosy, always accompany of two also hand some boy,

The guy with stoic face I always noticed glanced at me,
I don't know but for me, I have a feeling that he wants to be friends with me, or maybe He thought that we have already met.
I realized I need to be freindly
I also thought ,
It is difficult that Nothing acquaintance,or friend here .

I'm here again in the canteen after my last subject, sipping coffee, when I see them coming, He is staring at me again,
I smiled at him,
Thought maybe this is also the time to make friends with them,I think maybe they are good people.

He smiled back at me, but frugal smile, His two friends looked at me,
after a while when I glanced at them ,

as if they were having a discussion, as if arguing.

I saw him stand up as if coming towards me I bowed and pretended I did not notice his approach.

He greeted me and asked if he could share at the table,
I nodded.
while he was sitted at the other side of the table,
He introduces himself and what course He is taking,
I smiled at him ,
I also introduced myself as a transfer student from Korea, and I also said The course ,,

He laughed a little and became Happy,

I mumbled,
He is a better looks when he smiles and looks happy...

That's where our friendship started, it was also okay to deal with me with his two friends Seungyoun and Wooseuk,

When the class is over We go to the amusement park first, sometimes our silly mind ,we went to a bar , a sipped a little wine ,or listening music band.
I'm not a heavy drinker, just being comfortable is enough, we also play billiards and at when to internet caffee ,and played .
Went to his mansion with Seungyoun and Wooseuk,

He introduced me to his parents ,as new friend,His parents are approachable person andI noticed they spoiled Yibo ,

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He introduced me to his parents ,as new friend,
His parents are approachable person and
I noticed they spoiled Yibo ,

Yibo was only going to 19 and I'm old of 7 months to Yibo I'm 19 years old already.
In six months we've been together I've noticed the extra care He to me, He prefers to be picked up me ,that would rather use my own car.

The Black Bunny And The Angry  Lion (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now