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The Director of BNU arrived early to find out what was going on inside the university.

Mother Yibo worried to his son the whole day ,Yibo not went out to his room,and not even take meal.
His boyfriend Park Hyunsik arrived to talk to him.
But Yibo refused to talk to.

"What happened Hyun?"  Yibo mother called his boyfriend Hyun.

"Aunt, there is only a little bit, argument and  misunderstanding and I am here to explain. "
Hyunsik didn't let mother Yibo  know what happened.

Mother Yibo apologize to Hyunsik ,because of his son Tantrum,

"Please be patient Hyun, you know my son, comeback tomorrow maybe his mood or Tantrum already gone" .

Thank you Auntie and I'm sorry I'll make your son upset but I make sure Auntie it's not a big deal and I love him like as you do. And said good bye .

Mrs, Wang back to his son .

"Yibo son please open the door , please open it for me , if you don't open it , I think I'm not a good mother to you , open it son please."

Yibo , loves his mother although he had a hard headed or  stubborn, he doesn't want his  Mother to get angry with him.

When he tells his parents about his problem, they can do it. all wishes, requests are made to be fulfilled by them.

Yibo open the door for his mother to enter.

She looks to his son whose eyes swollen.

"What happened son , tell me " His  mother hugged him .

Yibo , burst in  cry .

"Mom , I'm sorry .
but I'm ok now , please don't bother ma  Don't worry, it's just a small problem."

Yibo doesn't want to tell his mother the real reason.
for now, he just wants to be alone and think.

In the five months that they will be together with Hyunsik as a boyfriend.
Only now are they having a problem.

He feels that Hyunsik  loves him ..."why I feel so much insecure."
But he can't understand why there are hurdle always  in  a relationship, if not money, physical attraction, or so there really is no permanent feeling in this  world, unless you love each other and have an a lot of understanding. He thought.

He think all past relationship are all flink.and now he had and he feel insecure to somebody else behind Hyunsik passed love or one sided love ,because one  he love , didn't know what it's true feeling.

"ok son, "Mrs  Wang tapped back of his son.
"If  you still don't want to tell me, I'll wait, but I don't want you to be hungry and locked in a room, your a man now, not a kid anymore, faced your little mis understanding to you boyfriend, like a said before in a relationship should be full of understanding, stability, trust and above all love. Your father and I had many trials that came to us but we overcame them all, common son, when you and Hyunsik overcame everything, you are destined for each other."

"ok  ma, just give me a little more time, I'll come down to eat,
All right, don't worry, You said I'm no longer a child, when I can't, I'll come to you MYSELF, like in the past. "

"oh  !my son now is a big man, ok son I love you remember ok."
He hugged his  Mother and smiled. "thanks  ma".
and his Mother came out of the room.

After a few hours, Yibo came down and ate, and went back to the room, opened the cellphone that had been turned off all the whole day , almost One hundred messages and voicemails from Hyunsik, the contents of the others are from his friends Seonyoun and Wooseuk.

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