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I felt my legs getting cramps, so I decided to move from the sea, leaving my friends Seungyoun and Wooseok still playing. I went out of the cottage and saw Liza and Zhan laughing.

I mumbled, "Why is Liza here instead of watching her boyfriend surfing in the sea?" and how they seemed so close when two days ago they didn't even know each other.

A while ago ,I saw Zhan looking at Liza. I don't know why my ears are getting hot. This woman is very attractive. That's why I used to like her. I could not understand her little mistaked that she's done I did not forgive her,
so I separated her.

Wooseuk's I know like her;
she's also nice, but sometimes naughty. For the first 6 months of our relationship, I don't know why I changed my feelings for her.
After a month, I met Hyunsik.

Maybe I don't really love this woman, who attracted me to her, but she also felt my loss in her life, because she also wouldn't go to school at that time, but here are the two of them with Wooseuk together,
At least I also told Wooseuk if he likes Liza, it's fine with me. So somehow he became my friend because of Wooseuk,
but now I'm disgusted with her. Because she's pulling Xiao Zhan instead of Wooseuk She'll pay her attention.

"Why are you here Liza?instead of being at the beach, you are here and just like flirting with Xiao Zhan" I prankly said that to her.
But Xiao Zhan interupped me

"Mr. Wang Don't tell him that. Give her respect" We're not doing anything wrong. She's probably bored at the beach while you're having fun, so she came here and I offered her food" Zhan exclaimed.

"You don't know her? I yelled, and don't yell at me"And why are you not wearing the clothes that I told you to wear?

He frowned.

He said, "I already wore it." He stood.

Liza's eyes widened as she said, "Wow, Zhan, you have hairy legs." She exclaimed like he want to teased Zhan .

He tapped Liza and said "don't exclaimed it." Said Zhan .

I feel annoyed once again.
It looks like, in a short time, they are closed.

I don't know what happened to me that my mood changed, so I told my two friends to get ready to go back to the villa.

We arrived at the villa.We both didn't say a word when we were in the car. I was annoyed with him. When I arrived at the villa, I told him to cook, but the most annoying thing was that Liza followed him everywhere he went, helping Xiao Zhan.

I talked to Wooseuk about why he lets Liza be so close to Xiao Zhan.

Wooseuk said" Liza asked me if it was okay with me if they could be friends with Xiao Zhan"
"I asked if it was okay with Xiao Zhan"

"I thought you liked Liza! Didn't you know that she was flirting with Xiao Zhan? I exclaimed.

Wooseuk laughed at me.

"Why should I not let Liza do what she wanted to do first? We were just friends, and I had no right. Yes, I liked her, I said to her, but she said let us now first enjoy being friends.

"Wooseuk, you're terrible and one-of-a-kind like Zhan; perhaps one of these days the woman you like will be gone; don't say I'm not warning you"

Then I turned away. When I was heading to my room, I saw Zhan and Liza enjoying what they were doing in the kitchen.

I yelled at Xiao Zhan, and

" after that, you cleaned my room and ironed my clothes that I'm wearing tomorrow"

The Black Bunny And The Angry  Lion (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now